VII Leo Party Time

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The look on everyone's faces as I walked into the Big House was priceless. Everyones' jaw dropped. Michelle was the first to recover. She was the new head of Hephaestus cabin in spite of Leo's, ahem, absence.
I could tell she was still fighting some shock but she managed to croak out," Well, this is rather unexpected."
"Dude, didn't you die, though. How are you alive," said a kid that looked like he was going into shock.
"Well, it is rather a long story. Chiron do you mind?" I say as I look at the old centaur. It looked like I had even surprised him. 1 point for team Leo.
"Oh no, not at all. Go right ahead."
And so I launched into my story. I told them what I had been working on underneath the ship, which was Festus and I also told them about when the boat exploded how the force of it did kill me and how Festus brought me back to life with the Physician's Cure. Which was just as bad as being dead. That was actually, probably, worse. That stuff was nasty. Anyway, I also told them about the astrolabe I installed in Festus with the crystal so I could find Ogygia because of that little side trip I made when I was flung off my boat and Piper was to fend for herself against the evil snow goddess Khione. So after I left the island I promised I would find a way back in which I did. I continued to tell them about how after I got Calypso we travel around for a while. I told them about how she was able to look into the past and how I was keeping an eye on my friends. "When I was looking for Piper and Jason. It sent me here at Camp Half-Blood and I saw Piper, Annabeth, and another girl who resembled Percy a lot. I just figured it was a coincidence. Then after that it dissolved and showed me Jason who was talking to Rachel about a new prophecy. I thought oh great do demigods ever get a break? Then I decided it was time for me to come home. Well, that and Calypso telling me every 5 seconds I should let everyone know I am ok. So we flew here." I summed up.
Piper and Annabeth and lots of others were all giving me death glares. Man, if looks could kill I'd be dead a thousand times over from all the glares I am getting.
"What?" I say trying to look innocence. It didn't work. Piper spoke up with barely contained rage and said," Leo, couldn't you have messaged us just once letting us know you were very much alive and traveling around the world with your girlfriend. Instead of making us all think you were dead." She emphasized the dead part. "Seriously what were you thinking?
After she finished her rant, others joined in. After about 30 minutes of nonstop "seriously Leo how could you do this" and "what were you thinking" and the famous" just one message Leo one message. Is that too much to ask." Piper jumped in and saved me saying,"Alright everyone, I think Leo has learned his lesson now haven't you, Leo."
"Yes, I have. Next time if I plan to die I will let you know ahead of time.
"And," Piper stated.
"And," I continued," when I do come back to life I will let you guys know as soon as possible."
That seemed to put everyone at ease. Or, at least, not quite so mad at me. I had a feeling that Piper had put a little charmspeak in her voice so that it would ease everyone. Either way I was glad she had that way I could get out of there. Chiron announced,"Tonight we will have a party for Leo. There will be a wonderful shroud that will be made for him returning home safely."
Michelle states calmly," I will see it to be done, Chiron."
"Thank you, Michelle. In the meantime everyone is dismissed and can return to their daily activities."
I bolted out the door only to be caught by Jason and Piper.
Piper shouted," Leo, wait!" I know she probably didn't mean to but there was some charmspeak left over in her voice so when she shouted I stopped and turned around. She realized what she done and decided to let Jason talk.
"Hey, we were thinking since, you know, you aren't dead that we could spend some time together like old times. What do you say?"
"I say sure. Uncle Leo is back and improved. What do you want to do first?"
"Well, I was thinking we could just hang out and share stories until it is time for you party," Piper said. "After all, it has been a long time since we saw you. I bet there are some interesting stories about you and Calypso." She added with a smile.
So we head down to the lake. I tell them all our fun moments, and our not so fun moments, which was like every 20 minutes. After I finished my second story we arrive at the lake. I continue on with my stories and in return Piper and Jason tell me theirs. Piper explains to me that Percy's sister is named Isabelle, and she is 2 years younger than Percy. She also told me about the prophecy and how her and Jason are involved. "Our only problem is we don't know how we are supposed to get there," Jason stated.
I thought about it for a moment and came up with an idea. I stated,"Actually, I think I have an idea."
"I hate your ideas. They usually end up exploding or on fire." Jason muttered.
"I agree," Piper stated wincing at a memory.
As I was just about to retort a smart answer the dinner bell sounded. After it rang, we ran up to the dining pavilion. News that I arrived(Read Here: that I had died and came back to life) spread fast. Everyone was giving me weird stares as if they expected me to dissolve any second. Luckily, most of my old friends had recovered and treated me like a normal person. Or, at least, as normal as one can in the life of a demigod; especially one who had just died and came back to life. As I was going to take a seat, I saw Percy's sister. Hmm... ... ... ...What was her name again? Isabelle? I believe that was it. Anyway, she was talking to Percy and probably no doubt asking how he knew this weird maniac. Yours truly in case you didn't know. So after we put our food in the fire I went back to my seat and started eating. After we finished eating, the welcome home Leo party started to flare to life. I must admit, though I wouldn't dare to say it aloud, that Mr. D can throw some serious parties. Since he is god of parties and revelries. It would stand to reason. Although, he did have to change the wine into something more suitable for us. It got turned into punch. Yum.
Jason had sent word to the Roman camp that I was back. They came just as soon as the party was starting to come to life. Hazel and Frank came over as soon as they saw me. Came, was and understatement for Hazel. She hit full blown sprint and tackled me with a bear hug. I saw tears in her eyes as she pulled herself off of me. She then helped me up. I think she broke a rib or two of mine in the tackle. The tears were starting to fall as Frank gave me a hug as well. He crushed the remaining ribs in my chest as he gave his hug. More like a death hug considering how big he was and how scrawny I was. That was not a fat joke, mind you. They both bombarded me with questions after Hazel's rant. I told her everything that had happened after the explosion.
"So you did take it, after all?" Hazel said as she was wiping away a tear.
"Yep, I was only dead for a few minutes." I say cracking a smile.
"That explains the weird feeling I felt when you died. Like you died but like you had come back to life as well. I didn't hope or tell for fear of getting everyones' hopes up. I didn't want to tell them something that I hadn't figured out yet. The only other person who knew was Nico and we talked only briefly about it."
"Well, everything is ok now. Uncle Leo is back, baby." Hazel realized what he said and asked,"So are you and Calypso together now? Is she here?" As this was said she continued to wipe the tears from her face. They were falling as fast as she could wipe.
Before I could answer I saw her walking this way. "Why don't you ask her yourself. Here she is now." They looked confused then saw her. She was beautiful, I thought. She was still wearing her simple cotton cloths that she was wearing when we flew in.
"Hey, Leo, I was looking for you." She stated matter-of-factly. Then she saw Hazel and Frank and said,"Oh, I see you're busy I'll come back later ok?"
"Oh, no, it fine actually if you don't mind, I would like you to meet some of my friends."I say as she turns away.
"Sure, my name is Calypso and yours are?" She says turning back around.
"I am Hazel Levesque, centurion of the fifth cohort, and this is my boyfriend praetor Frank Zhang." Hazel stated as she started to talk more to Calypso. Frank went with her and soon the three of them were out of sight. Then I saw something. It looked as if Nico and Isabelle were talking. Seriously, that guy is creepy. I heard how Jason had tried to befriend him and how that went. Now there friends more or less. Still. . . . . Yet, it looked like they could talk forever. Weird.
The party was a success. Then it came time for the shroud. All the Hephaestus kids pitched in and it was a beautiful shroud. It was so beautiful I didn't want to burn it, but they did and the flames on the fire rose higher and higher as the crowd yelled and screamed. I had to admit, I was impressed. The party was a blast. After everything died down and people started to trickle out, Leo decided to call it a night. He went to the Hephaestus cabin straight to where his old bed was. He saw everything was the way he left it soo long ago. He didn't bother to change. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out.

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