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Once we soar into the air, Jason asked,"So what's the plan?"
Isabelle thought for a moment then said flatly,"We go to the Oracle of Delphi as fast as possible, preferably, without getting killed. And we improvise a lot. When in doubt, improvise. I am sure I heard that somewhere." She looked lost in thought. I looked over to Percy who laughed.
"What's so funny, Percy?" Annabeth questioned with a puzzled look.
"Well, it's just that is exactly what I said to the Senate when I was at Camp Jupiter going on that quest to Alaska. Octavian asked if we had a plan. I told him, we go to Alaska as fast as possible then Hazel interjected and said, 'and we improvise' then Frank added, 'a lot.' That was our plan literally. So I find it funny that she said the exact same thing as I did." Percy finished up taking a deep breath.
I look around and see that everyone, besides Percy and Isabelle, are confused. I am too but decide to not bring it up.
There weren't any monsters that attacked us. That was odd. With four children of the Big Three together, that should've sent a 10 mile alert to any monster out there. Although it was Piper who spoke his unspoken thought.
"Hey guys, is it just me or does this seem a little too easy? No monsters have attacked us yet. You would think that with four children of the Big Three present; there would definitely be some type of attack."
"Well, personally, I could do without the monster attacks for a while." Percy states flatly.
"Piper's right. We should have had some type of attack by now. Your scent alone would've sent out a strong signal. Magnify that by four and well, it a wonder we haven't been attacked yet.
And now we're jinxed, I thought to myself.
As expected, a group of venti suddenly swirl into existence. This was a big group with about twelve fiery air spirits.
"Oh for the-," Annabeth was cut mid-sentence when one of the venti lunged at her. Her pegasus reacted faster then she did. It dodged the attack then came up behind it. She grabbed her blade then sank it hilt deep in the venti's back. It dissolved with a gust of wind.
Soon we were all engaged in battle. Piper and Jason had teamed up and was holding off four of the venti. So was Percy and Annabeth. I was battling two on my own when I glimpsed Isabelle. She had gotten the leader, or so it looked like the leader, of the group.
It was bigger then the rest. It was stronger and more solid then his companions, as well. Still it was hard to see it clearly.
She was standing her ground. Metaphorically speaking, since we were 1500 feet in the air. The others weren't doing badly either. Jason has lassoed two air spirits and was controlling them. Piper was using her charmspeak on the other two and it seemed to work. Percy and Annabeth worked like a team dodging and slashing while staying aloft on their pegasus.
The two I had put up a good fight. I hated fighting in the air. Scratch that I hate being in the air, period. For a child of the underworld, being in the air is bad. That's Zeus's domain. He could easily smite me or strike me down with a flick of his wrist. I could almost bet Zeus would if his son wasn't with us. Percy and Isabelle didn't like it much either but was doing pretty well considering that were children of the sea god and they were in Zeus's domain. That much I could tell. Every time the wind sped up or our pegasus lost ground in the air, I could almost bet that Zeus was toying with us and slapping us around.
I finished off my two when the battle started to die. The rest of the team had killed all the remaining venti except for one. Isabelle was caked in sweat with her daggers flying. The ventus has swirled a storm around her. It was making her harder and harder to see. Percy went ballistic. He tried to charge Blackjack in but bounced off the storm. Then Jason tried to help by trying to rip the storm apart. No luck.
Then when Jason was just about to try to rip through, the wind storm died down. There was dust and then a gentle breeze. Percy was the first to recover. Too late, we realize that the pegasus and its rider were gone.
"Down there!" Piper screamed. In an instant we saw them. Isabelle was falling fast through the air, her pegasus trailing just behind. Her pegasus was trying to catch her, I realized. We raced after her. Percy looking petrified, Annabeth looking grim and determined to reach her. Piper looked like she was ready to scream. Jason looking angry. I was personally terrified though I wouldn't admit it.
Jason shouted something. Probably, I'll be back then hopped on the winds and flew himself down there. He really does look like a blond superman, I thought to myself. He zoomed downward faster then the rest of us and caught her just before they hit rock bottom. He changed the winds at the last second so instead of crashing and possibly breaking something, they did more of a fall and roll.
Jason stood up looking dazed but for the most part ok. Percy ran straight over to Isabelle and embraced her.
"Can't. . . breathe." she managed to croak out. He slowly lets go of her but doesn't move away.
"Are you ok," Percy immediately asks.
"Yea, I fall out of the air all the time." She muttered sarcastically. Then added as an afterthought,"I hate flying. Scratch that, I hate being in the air, period." She grunted and tried to pull herself up but only managed to sit up for about 2 seconds. Then she fell back down. I made to go forward but Annabeth beats me to it. She kneels down on the other side of Isabelle. Isabelle tries to wave her off but she simply gets out a square of ambrosia and a fairly large canteen of nectar. She hands these to her and she begins to relax. Within a few more minutes she is up and ready to go.
She made a quick decision whether to fly or walk. She settled for a walk. It turned out there was a city not to far off. Only a few miles. I volunteered to carry us there and travel just outside the city. Then we can walk in and act like we are on a world tour trip. Plus we needed a place to rest. Mostly Isabelle. Ambrosia and nectar can only go so far. I pulled out a six-pack of cokes and handed one to everyone in the group. We popped the tops and drink. Nothing like a coke to get yourself revitalized. Ambrosia and nectar is all well and good but it will never beat caffeine.
I pulled us into the shadows of a nearby tree. Within minutes we were standing a few feet from the entrance. Nobody took notice of 6 kids who magically appeared out of thin air. Except for a few who were either mortals with sight or demigods. But even that didn't faze them; so it seemed.
We walked for a few minutes before finding a place to crash. It was some type of hotel complete with a pool and tennis court. Percy and Annabeth protested about the hotel but eventually give in but are not happy about it. Isabelle walks in and pays for our key. She leads us to our room and fumbles for the key. She slides it in then opens the door for the rest of us to see.
"Welcome to our room guys. This is a family suite." Isabelle says as we wander through.
There were four couches, two chairs, and two queen size beds. There was a handful of tables complete with lamps and a full size kitchen/dining room. There was three bathrooms and a pool/deck outside.
Once we worked out the sleeping arrangements, it was a matter of how to fall asleep. Isabelle and I was supposed to fall asleep while the other kept a lookout for monsters. Isabelle protested but I could tell her energy was fading. I, on the other hand, protested that I didn't really need to sleep. I eventually gave in so they would stop pestering me with facts about sleep. Annabeth mainly.
I went over to one of the couches, grabbing a pillow and blanket on the way. It took a few minutes but I fell asleep. That's when the unwelcome dreams started.
I was in a pitch-black cave. Nearby, I heard water dripping. I extended my senses. I immediately felt a strong tug in my gut. There was something evil amidst me. The only question is: What is it?
I hear the hissing of a snake nearby. Only this sound was much more ancient. It had a raspy sound to it as well.
"I hope you enjoy my little gift, demigod. I hope to see you soon."
Then my dream changed. I was back at Croatia. Fighting against Cupid. I relived my conversation with him. I saw myself as if I was a ghost. As soon as I told Jason the truth, it shifted and showed everyone at camp laughing. It took me a minute to realized they were laughing at me. Some were disgusted. Then I saw Isabelle, who looked revolted. Then I realized why. Jason was telling Isabelle my secret. My worst fear had come true. Everyone was either laughing or disgusted. I stood there stunned. I tried to flee but then my dream changed once more. I was back at the cave with the hissing snake.
"Did you enjoy the future little one? No one will except it. Your fear is your secret and your secret is your fear. You do understand, don't you? Poor Nico. You've suffered enough, don't you think? Sooner or later we will meet again. This is just the beginning." Said the raspy hissing snake.
I wake up sweating. The covers were tangled together. Wait. Covers? Since when did I get another cover? No time to ponder that, mainly, because I wasn't alone.
"Someone's finally up. Bad dreams, I assume. Well, now that your up, you can keep watch with me. Unless you plan on going bad to sleep." Isabelle said sounding sarcastic and casual all at once.
"Well, I doubt I could go back to sleep even if I wanted to. I'll keep watch." I said getting the tangled covers off of me.
"I go tell Annabeth she can sleep now. Since I have someone else who will be keeping watch. Besides she hasn't sleep yet." Isabelle states getting out of her chair.
"Ok." I say as I get off the couch. Once off, I stumble over to the bathroom. My hair is messy, as usual. I realized that I was still in my cloths from the day before. I quickly change and fix my hair. So as least it doesn't look like I rolled out of bed. Which I did.
When I return, I see Isabelle is outside by the pool. I carefully make my way over to her, trying not to wake the others. Once I succeeded, I quietly opened the door. I walk into her line of vision then sit down beside her.
"Hey Nico, can I ask you something?" Isabelle questions.
"You just did," I say then add before she can retort, "Ok, what is it?"
"I had this dream. At first I was in a cave with what I assume was a snake. Then it played my worst fears. I was falling through the sky then just before I hit, it changed again and showed- you and Percy. Both of you were in danger. The others were behind a glass. I tried to call out to them but they didn't hear me. I ran over to Percy because you weren't in sight. Then. . . Anyway I was trying to save you then Percy and Annabeth got possessed. I think. They started throwing spells only Hecate's kids could do. I was immediately stuck in quicksand. It appeared out of nowhere. Then I started to sink. I couldn't save any of you. I yelled in frustration then tried to pull myself out. The more I struggled, the faster I sunk. Then it went back to the cave. That's when I woke up." She finished.
I listened and then told her my dream. Leaving out the bit of what my fear was. Our dreams were similar.
"Should we wake the others and tell them." She asks.
I look over to their faces. They were fast asleep. I made a split second decision and said, "No, we can tell them in the morning."
She then lays her head hesitantly on my shoulder. I tensed and then relaxed. I didn't exactly know what to do. So I just sat there, enjoying the rising sun with my best friend.

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