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Jisoo x Y/N

"Hey Y/N!", BamBam yelled in Y/N's ear while placing an arm around the shoulder. "Geez Bam..easy..you almost gave me a heart attack.", Y/N said shocked. BamBam chuckled and they talked as they walked to the cantine. "Y/N, BamBam..over here!!", they heard as Wendy called them. Wendy, Seulgi, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were already sitting at the table and greeted them. 

"So Y/N.", Nayeon said, getting Y/N's attention. "Hm?", Y/N answered while stretching. "Don't just hum, you lazy ass.", Nayeon said annoyed. Y/N just chuckled and looked at Nayeon. "Okay. What do you wanna know?", Y/N asked. Nayeon looked at Y/N with aegyo. "Do I look pretty?", she asked while blinking her eyes fastly. Y/N yawned and looked bored at her. "Nope, still looking like a rabbit.", Y/N said while holding in the laughter.

"Finally, someone who's with me.", Jeongyeon said with a relieved voice. Everybody snorted except Nayeon. She slapped Jeongyeon's back multiple with Jeongyeon herself asking for mercy. "You guys are mean!", she yelled and looked at Y/N who was laughing hard. "Oh come on Nayeon. We're just joking around.", Y/N said to calm her down. Nayeon huffed and leaned back. "You guys are lucky that you're my friends.", she said while looking away. "Who said I'm your friend?", Jeongyeon asked innocently. "Don't try me, Yoo Jeongyeon.", Nayeon glared at Jeongyeon. Then they heard the headmaster speaking over the speakers.

"Hi everyone, this is the Headmaster speaking. I hope you guys are having a fun break time right now. Eat well and enjoy all your free time with your friends while you can for today. As this is the last day of the year, we have to end it with a big celebration. So, to end this year and welcome our new year, school is going to hold a prom...TO-NIGHT! And this means, get yourself a partner and take out your nicest suit or dress from your closet for tonight's fun night. Have a nice day kids and see you tonight!"

Everybody got excited after the speech and there were many joyful noises. "Aah, prom night? That means that I need to prepare the turntable and songs for tonight then...", BamBam said while scratching his head. "Don't worry too much Bam. You always bring good music to every school party.", Jimin reassured BamBam. "Thanks man.", BamBam said while a smile. "So you guys already know who you gonna bring for tonight?", Seulgi asked. "I'm going with Jimin.", Jungkook said while making Jimin sit on his lap. "I'm going to ask Yoongi later.", Taehyung said. "I'm taking Jeongyeon!", Nayeon said excitedly while hugging her sideways. Jeongyeon struggled to get out of Nayeon's hug and tried to avoid her kisses in the meantime. "I want to ask Irene, but damn how...", Seulgi said in worry and leaned her head on her hand. Wendy snorted, "I'm taking myself to the party.", she said with a smirk and folded her arms. "Yah, that doesn't count.", Seulgi said. "Why not? And by the way, you're the one with an impossible task. You want to ask a member of the popular girl squat to prom", Wendy said and shrugged her shoulders. Seulgi sighed and facepalmed.

Y/N and the others were also friends with Irene, who is in the popular girl squat. Both squats are neighbours since little and some of them were even siblings. Right now, Irene was walking towards Y/N's table. "There she comes.", Nayeon warned Seulgi who immediately stood up and walked to the end of the table. "Hey Irene!", she called and Irene stopped at the table. "Hi Seulgi! How are you?", she asked with a smile. "I'm fine, how about about you?", Seulgi asked flashing a smile back. "I'm also doing fine. Have you heard about the prom earlier? Gosh, I'm so excited!", Irene said. Seulgi got shocked when she heard Irene mentioning prom and chuckled nervously. "Oh y-yeeaah..uuuhhmm about that..uuhhmm...",  Seulgi struggled while talking. Wendy scraped her throat and nudged Seulgi's back with her elbow. "Just say it idiot.", Wendy mumbled. "Yeah, what's wrong Seul? You need something?", Irene asked concerned but Seulgi shaked her head hastily. "N-No, i-it's not that..I-I uhm..need somebody..which....is you..justsaynoandweredoneimokaywiththat!", Seulgi said fast while looking away.

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