How would Blackpink...

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Wake you up in the morning

Jisoo: She wouldn't even wake you up in general because herself would be still sleeping. If she was awake, then she'd still let you sleep because she knows sleep is very important and it keeps you healthy. Or she would wake you up by surprise.


"Ooww...babe what the-"

"Pillow fight!!"

Lisa: If she tried to wake you up, she would kiss your hand and call you name like she was the knight on a white horse. If that didn't work she would get one of the and tried a second time. Or she would storm inside the room and give commands just like how she experienced in Real Men.

"Hey Leo, did you miss me?"

"Miauw :3" *pets your hair*

"Wake up honey~"

Jennie: She would be clingy and very caring to you. Hair caressing, face tracing, laying on top of you, hugging you and many more. She doesn't like to wake you up in a hurry and loves the sweet moments that she can enjoy while waking you up.

*kisses your whole face*
"Wake up baby~"

*groans softly*
"Five more minutes bae.."

*opens your right eye and pouts*

Chaeyoung: There would be one thing that she would do which always works, Disney. She would just beside you with a bowl of popcorn and search up for a Disney movie on the TV. You would wake up as you heard the intro of the movie.


*sits up in shock*
"What in the-"

"HAHAHAHA, you had a
good nap bae?"

A Blackpink BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora