The Letter

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~ Y/N x (Your BP bias)

My dear Y/N,

I met you since the day you were born. You didn't knew exactly what I was to you, but maybe that was because we were just babies. I always visited you with mom and dad in the weekends while you were still sleeping or maybe laying on the ground, playing with your toys. I guessed you and I would get close together, but you were a really stubborn baby. But I didn't mind it, because I promised to protect you since the day you were born. Seconds, hours, days, weeks and years went by and we grew up closer and closer. We were best friends and every one could see that whenever we were together. You still were the little kid and acted like one too. Remember when we had to do a musical in our last year in elementary school? We were so good and we could make the audience laugh so hard with our acts. I was really happy to be a part of that musical with you.

Middle school came and times changed. You and I went to the same school and it was very fun time. We made some new friends and got very close in no time. But not also to forget, we all got into the basketball team, became popular and were aces in our classes. Times changed and school got harder. But we'd still kept the strong bond from day 1 until now and forever. Even the littlest of times we could spend with each other, we cherished it like it could be our last.

College came up and you were fighting against your will because you didn't like your study. Our best friends and I tried the best we could, but you still ended up by quitting college. You went back to the regular education so you could end up in high school and I supported you. Until you had to go for campus trainings. That was the day I got really upset, but you still comforted me until I was strong enough to let you go.

I remember that day. Our last day together as one. I came by in the early morning and thought you were already gone, but you were still there. You, who smiled at me, waiting for me to come so we could go outside and do have some fun. We did, until you got the call. We went back and I was nervous. You calmed me down and you went to your room. Our parents and best friends were comforting me while we were waiting. You came downstairs from your room and I saw you in the clothes I wished I would never see. I tried no to look at you, but you called my name and I looked into your eyes, who were very calm and reassuring. You knew how I felt and you just opened your arms for me with a smile. I run into your arms and let it all out, realizing you'll be gone for what feels like an eternity.

I got shocked when I felt something wet falling on my head. That's when I pulled out of the hug and saw your tears. And again, you gave me that same smile, but it wasn't the happy smile. That's when I knew that you tried to hold on in this heartbreaking moment. You, who always joked around, who always was happy and laughed, just felt down in deep emotions that I never saw. We didn't say anything and our friends came in with our group hug. Then the taxi came and honked. We all went outside and you gave us all one last hug with me as the last one. You know that I know that you promised to stay with me forever and ever, anywhere and everywhere. Your tears dripped out of your eyes, but you still smiled. I wiped them away with my thumbs and you gave me your last kiss on the cheek, but still I felt your tears dropping on my cheek. I went inside the taxi and went off to the campus.

You called us, the gang, up in vid chat every night and told we told us our days. You told us when trainings became harder and tougher. But you weren't that broken inside anymore and I was proud to see that. My dear, sweet, little Y/N. We're so proud of you. I'm proud of you. You grew up into a very kind, strong, charismatic, smart and funny person. I'm sorry that I can't be with you there but know that I will always love you. Our friends and parents are waiting for you. And don't forget me ofcourse.

Honey, I will always love you and by this I wanna say the same thing you said to me. I will always be with you anywhere and everywhere. I'm proud to call you my BFF and I will never regret meeting you in the first place. No matter what, I'll stay by you side. And if I'm not there physically, remember that also in your heart. Stay strong.

Love you,

(Your BP bias)

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