OT4 (A)

869 11 1

~Angsty shit in your area

All on one stage was the biggest dream of 4 girls. They made it and experienced the biggest moments in live. From getting into magazines to holding a world tour. And that just in 2 years. Right now, they're holding a big concert again on the big stage. But one thing didn't go well, the girls themselves. They saw their fans..their BLINKS, holding their ppyongbongs. They could feel the stage floor beneath their feet, the uptentioned vibes, the pleasant air of fans cheering for them. Until they saw 4 youngers girls in front of them, looking at the crowd, each holding a mic, listening to their story.

#1: "So the next song is a new song that isn't published yet. It's a song we made with a big struggle, right unnie?"

#2: "Yes it was (...)-ssi. It's a very important song for us and very sincere. We had a lot of emotions while making this song"

#3: "I remember, we were writing our lyrics and suddenly the 4 of us came up with the same sentence. A few seconds later, we cried." *laughs*

#4: *also laughs* "It was really funny back then. Well, since we won't talk too much, we hope you guys like it and enjoy. This song is called: 'I Miss You'."


It's 3 in the afternoon and the sun is shining
I should be outside having fun with my friends
But instead I'm inside writing my heart out
Right now staring through the window looking at them
Like the same thing you did when you kept an eye on me

Used to be filled with fun
Used to be outgoing
Used to be free
Now I'm an overall mess
I guess times really can change
Why is it you who had to go away forever and not me?
I guess this was faith playing with us

If I just could see you now
If you just could be here now
Then I would tell you everything
From A to Z
From 1 to 10
But I can't reach there where you are
So I just look up at the sky while smiling
Closing my eyes, breathing the soft breeze
Pretending it is you
But then comes the tear who keeps stinging everytime I do this
I miss you

The night has come it's way and it's quiet inside
The roads that used to be very busy is now empty and calm
The room that used to be filled with laughter is now quiet and no more to be heard
It's like everything in life changed
Just like us, why is life so cruel?

Drinking too much just to forget you
I really wished you to come back too
Only pain and hope to be felt
Never thought that my heart ever could feel that
Looking at myself through the mirror
I can only see your reflection, smiling at me
Should I be proud and smile back?
Or rather be sad and cry till I pass out?

If I just could see you now
If you just could be here now
Then I would tell you everything
From A to Z
From 1 to 10
But I can't reach there where you are
So I just look up at the sky while smiling
Closing my eyes, breathing the soft breeze
Pretending it is you
But then comes the tear who keeps stinging everytime I do this
I miss you

Damn I miss you
Even though I said or scream it, I'm still broken
I don't know where to begin
It's like everything I do now is a sin
Should I just quit?
No, not with mom and dad like this

Friends cheering me up, making me smile
But still when I see my reflection, I see you
Well I guess I have to walk my path further with this pain
Your smile, your kindness, you as a friend, you being proud of me
I miss it so much
Shit, I'm thinking about you...again

Looking up at the sky while smiling
Closing my eyes, breathing the soft breeze
Pretending it is you
But then comes the tear who keeps stinging everytime I do this

Please come back
I want to see you
I want to hug you
I want to kiss you
I want to have fun with you
But for the most part
I miss you

The big and emotional tension could be heard through the cheering crowd when they ended their song. The seniors looked at each other with proud and a heavy heart. The juniors walked up to each other and hold their hands with their emotions hidden in front of the crowd.

#1: "U-uhm..as we told you..this song is very important to us..cuz.." *gets teary eyed*

#2: *can't hold back the tears and cries*

#3: *sniffs* "T-this song is d-dedicated to the most important people in our lives.."

#4: "And we hope they were able to listen to it...our precious...most beautiful human beings..a-and loveable eomma's.." *on the verge of crying* "O-our B-BLACKPINK eo-eomma's..w-we love you.." *let's out the tears and also cries*

The juniors giving a group hug and cried their pain out was the most painful thing the seniors could see. So their they went, walking up to the younger ones and speak to them.

Jisoo: "You're doing great Gyuri-ssi..momma's proud of you.."

Rosé: "Juhwang-i never doubt yourself honey.."

Lisa: "I love you my little Lili.."

Jennie: "Stay strong my baby Ella.."

When the girls came up close to them, they hugged their child in their group hug, hoping that the younger ones could feel their own mom's embrace that they always were longing to before the 4 girls spread out their wings and left their precious dreams back then.

A Blackpink Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें