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ttattarattara ttararattara
ttararara ttarattara ttararattara
ttattarattara ttararattara
ttararara ttarattara ttararattara

It's a different place, a different time
Buy my love is right
Even by your scent that passes with the wind
I know it's you

But I don't know
When did you start living in my heart?
I don't know
The reason my heart flutters when I see you

You didn't pass me by because you
Never forgot about me
Because until you remember I will
Wait for you

My love, look at me
Do you miss me?
My love, look at my eyes and tell me
A heart full of love can't be hidden

Don't ever forget the truth that I was
By your side
I know you won't erase my heart that could sacrifice
Everything for you

But I don't know
When did you start living in my heart?
I don't know
The reason my heart flutters when I see you

You didn't pass me by because you
Never forget about me
Because until you remember I will
Wait for you
In the same place, in the same time
We're together
You can always come to me
Back to your place

ttattarattara ttararattara
ttararara ttarattara ttararattara
ttattarattara ttararattara
ttararara ttarattara ttararattara

My love, look at me
Do you miss me?

That was everything she could write from her emotions for her lyrics. Closing her notebook while tearing up, Jennie goes to her lovers room which was litteraly on the opposite of her own room.

She opened the room with a broken heart, went to the bed, and cried her soul out beside it on the floor.

"Lisa...when will you come back?? I miss you so much.."

Meanwhile thinking about her lover who left her for army, she cried even harder with a more broken heart. But little did she knew, Lisa was standing in front of the open door also tearing up with Jennie's notebook open in her hands, knowing that her love had a hard time without her.

Who besides Lisa would know how though it was for Jennie to go through a harsh time on her own without her love by her side? Even tho Jennie had to keep up the fake smile and carrying the happy mood, Lisa knew that Jennie's was heartbroken when she was in army, working hard for proctecting the country.

The next words she heard were the only words she wanted to hear so badly which she thought it could only happen in her dreams. But now, it was real.

"Babe....I'm home.."

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