season 2 episode4 part 1

Start from the beginning

mavis : ahh! that's my spot , now that i

have my cape I'm going to have my vary

own portrait hung in hall of Draculas .

y/n: i rather to have my paint in hall of

lords .

hank : huh , " member when i almost got

my thumb's portrait the hall but than it

turned out to be your uncle's big toe ?

y/n : well no .

mavis : not really .

Wendy : nope .

Pedro : no bro .

mavis : anyway , I'm so excited because

this is a huge deal .

aunt Lydia : yes mavis , being

immortalized for all eternity is a " huge

deal " so i brought you the best painter

in the monster world .

y/n : Diane ?

aunt Lydia : zombie Michaelangelo , he

did my glorious portrait , now remember

your painting , is the symbol of your

Dracula bloodline so don't mess this up

understand ?!

y/n : is scared can be " yes " ?

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y/n : is scared can be " yes " ?

( time skip )

y/n : so uncle barreg you had your own

painting too yeah ?

uncle barreg : of course I do , it's full of

glory and power i was young and the

most handsome skeleton in my city .

y/n : dose all of pictures of vasto lords

great ?

uncle barreg : well yeah most of them

expect your father ones .

y/n : why ?

uncle barreg : you see painting is a vary

vary vary vary vary vary long job and

if don't have a good rest before that day

you can't focus good and your paint will

be mess , like your dad stark , last day

before his paintings he was in bar and

Vasta Lord In Hotel : male Ichigo reader x hotel Transylvania seriesWhere stories live. Discover now