Chapter 4.

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"You will never know" with four short yet powerful words he left the dark office, leaving me alone with my injured heart and hundred thoughts. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the heavy tears burning behind my eyelids. I can't cry again, not now. I hadn't moved from the chair, my body felt numb. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice, a soft voice. I darted my eyes to the woman standing in the doorway, holding a few files in her hands. 
"Mr Styles ... oh I'm sorry for interrupting" she quickly said when she realized that I wasn't who she was searching for. 
"It's fine, did you need something?" I asked her and she took a few steps into the dark office. 

"Could you please hand these files to him? He said that he wanted them in his office before lunch" she said, I could almost imagine how much she stressed this morning to finish them in time. 
"I can do that" I said while she handed me the files. As she was about to walk out of the office I quickly asked "Could I please get your name? I mean, so he knows who he received the files from" 

"Emilia Sanders, would you want to grab a lunch with me?" she blurted out. My face must have had shock written all over it since she instantly started apologizing while adding "You must be busy and I apologize for asking such an inappropriate question". A laugh escaped through my lips, it wasn't intended but it was somehow honest. 

"What do you prefer? Italian or Chinese?" I asked and she smiled at me, she must have felt relived. 

"Italian it is then" she cheered while giving me one more heartwarming smile. She seemed to be kind, even though I had just met her a minute ago. 

The Italian restaurant down the road was surprisingly the best in town, the decoration was simple, nothing fancy. I appreciated the simpleness in the local, it was nice to be brought to a relaxed place. Dining with my father was usually a fancy occasion. I had almost forgot the pain in my chest until the thought of my father had plopped up. 

"What's the matter darling? You seem concerned" Emilia softly questioned while taking a sip from her iced water. 

"Nothing really, my father can be complicated at times" I replied, my eyes were focusing on the empty plate infront of me. 
"You don't say" she joked and I laughed, that man is apparently a pain where ever he goes. I asked her how he was at work, she was thinking through her answer. Picking the words, carefully. 

"He is nice, very polite" she replied, I knew that she was trying to be kind. 

"I know that he ain't nice, possibly polite at times" I told her and she laughed. 
"Well, he can be demanding but that's his job" I nodded and asked her about the files, it was none of my business but something was pushing me to ask. 

"It was nothing really, just a divorce. A pro bono case from a few years back" she simply replied. Why would my father care about a pro bono case from a few years back? It made no sense. 
"Do you remember the couple's name?" I questioned and I was aware that I might have taken it a bit too far. She looked a smidge uncomfortable, her eyes lowered. 

"I'm not allowed to say because of the firm's policy" she said but I needed to know. There was something about those files, a strange force drew my mind to them and I couldn't ignore the feeling. 

"It could be our secret" I said, knowing that it was a crime and that she could potentially lose her job. 

"I'm so sorry Ms Styles but I can't do that" she replied while adding "but you could take a look yourself". 

Before heading home I entered his office, praying that it was empty. To give my mind peace I needed to see the name written on those files. It was probably nothing important but it had to be done. The office was empty and the files were spread across his desk, he had been reading the paperwork. Olivia Stanstead and Oscar Stanstead.  Before I could control myself I began reading the paperwork, the case was well written and somehow interesting. It was forbidden for me to read anything associated to the cases, I was basically just a visitor. I didn't hear his heavy footsteps stalking towards me, I was too caught up in the pro bono case to notice him. I felt the papers roughly being taken away from my hands. My eyes instantly met his and I gasped, how could I possibly explain this situation to him? 
"What the hell are you doing?" he questioned, his voice was raised and I didn't know how to respond to his question. 
"I was bored" I lied and bit my lip at the same time, a bad habit.
"You're lying" he stated and placed one hand in his hair, a bad habit of his when frustrated. 
"I met Emilia and she asked me to hand the files to you and I just wanted to see who it was about" I honestly replied. 
"You're too nosey for your own good." he said in a low voice while rubbing his temples while adding "Emilia, fucking hell. She isn't supposed to tell you or as a matter of fact no one about her business here" he ranted, it wasn't directed to me. A second later there was a knock on the office door, I prayed to God that it wasn't Emilia.

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