Chapter 6.

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I closed my eyes, constantly repeating the words he said. His response astonished me, I had never expected him to give me a piece of his emotional side. A piece of his thoughts, a piece of his hidden feelings. I had never witnessed him utter such a powerful statement, he was hiding under a facade which he had built over the years. I was craving to continue the conversation, I wanted to know more but he didn't give me the chance. As soon as the words left his mouth, he was out of the car. The last thing I heard was the bedroom door slam and I was once again left with my questions. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a single trace of her. She was erased out of his life and she never existed in mine. Yet I had to feel the pain of her absence, growing up without knowing what happened to them. I was never in my father's room, it was a forbidden place. His room was the only place where he could let his guard down, for a few hours. I was wondering if he kept any memories hidden, did he look at the framed picture of them before going to sleep? Many questions, none existing answers. I was brought back to reality by my phone vibrating. I quickly unlocked the phone.
"Thank you for standing up for me today Carly. I really appreciate it. Whenever you have time for dinner just holla at me. /Emilia x" Sweet Emilia, she didn't deserve my father's harsh words. I wanted to get away tonight, would it be awkward to ask her if she had anything planned for the night? Without thinking any further I sent her a text, asking her to hang out with me. I was mostly lonely, friends usually didn't stay by my side when they figured how lost I was. After today's conversation with my father I noticed that my father and I had something in common, we were two lost souls. Emilia responded to my text and told me that I was free to join her in her apartment. I didn't even hesitate, without bothering my father in his room I took a cab to the adress she had sent me.

Talking to Emilia took my mind of the conversation and it was relaxing in some way. Emilia asked me a few questions about myself and I answered every question but one.
"What does your mother work with?" she casually asked. There was nothing wrong about her question, but the fact that I had never had a mother made it difficult.
"Uhm, I don't have a mother" I awkwardly replied, my eyes immediately darted to the carpet covered floor.
"I'm so sorry darling" she said giving me a hug. There was a knock on the door, Emilia went to answer the door. Seconds later I heard a husky voice, I instantly recognized it. It was my father. What was he doing in Emilia's apartment?
"Why the hell haven't you been answering your phone? I have been worried sick" Oh god, I had forgot my phone in my purse. Emilia's questions had immediately received my attention and I forgot the phone. His hand tightly grabbed my arm and yanked me up, he was worried not angry. Although it looked like he was furious.
"How did you find me?" I asked while he was dragging me to the front door.
"Find your Iphone." before leaving the apartment his attention turned to Emilia and he said "Don't you have anyone else to hang out with than a fucking kid". I gasped, how could he be so cruel? She was nothing else than kind. A flash of pain could be seen in her deeply brown eyes. I was waiting for her to respond to his inappropriate statement.
"I'm not hanging out with a 'fucking kid', instead of dropping disrespectful comments and being locked up in your own bubble you could actually get to know her" Emilia fired back, was my loneliness that evident? I turned to my father, he was furious.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? Standing here giving me parenting advice, don't you fucking dare question me ever again" he yelled, Emilia was taken back. He dragged me down the stairs, leaving Emilia hurt. Typical.
"She had a point" I harshly stated, my eyes darted to him.
"She doesn't know shit, neither do you. You ungrateful brat. I was worried sick, wondering what had happened to you." He yelled, of course he did.
"I was bored and Emilia invited me to come over, you were locked up in your private zone. I'm surprised that you even noticed" I said, no regrets.
"Don't fucking test me, you're already on thin ice. You don't want me to lose it with you" He threatened and I rolled my eyes. The rest of the ride was awfully quiet.

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