Chapter 7

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Hours had passed since the awful car ride, to my surprise he dropped me off and drove away. I was wondering where he was, most likely in his office. I was tired, tired of the coldness I constantly received. He had always been cold, even when I was a toddler. I didn't have memories of him laughing, of us laughing. Our relationship was somehow formal, he was my father because his faith decided that he had to be. He didn't want me, I knew that I was a mistake. There was a picture, a picture that warmed my injured heart. I slowly approached the shelf, a child resting her small body against a man's chest. The man's arm was covered in tattoos while both of them were wearing white shirts. Tears blurred my view, it was us. My father and I. My only wish was to have a good relationship with him, to understand him. To be loved by him. I shook my head, shaking off the ridiculous wishes. He would never change, he would always be a lost case.

The door slammed harshly and I heard someone stumble into the hallway, my heart appeared in my throat. To say that I was afraid was an understatement. I slowly walked towards the hallway, not knowing what to expect. I gasped when my eyes landed on him, his eyes were bloodshot and he was completely wasted. A terrible feeling of anger washed over my body when he fell to the floor. When his eyes met mine he laughed, hard. I reached out to help him get off of the cold floor. He ignored my attempt to help him and bitterly spoke "Don't touch me". I took a deep breath, trying to keep my patience at bay.
"Come on dad, you can't be on the floor" I desperately said, giving him one more chance to take my hand.
"You're just like her Carly. You're a spitting image of her" he said, I could almost feel my heart pop out of my chest. He had never uttered a word about her, let alone tell me I was a copy of her.
"Come on dad, you're talking nonsense" I replied while he tried to get off the floor, he stumbled to the kitchen. I followed him, my conscience couldn't let him be alone. Not right now.
"You're always asking questions, she was always asking too many fucking questions." he spit out, she still had a huge impact on him despite all the years that had passed. I rolled my eyes, I didn't deserve to hear this.
"I rather have a son than you,at least he wouldn't be reminding me of her all the fucking time" he slurred and took a sip out of the almost empty bottle. I closed my eyes, the pain was too much. I could feel my heart beating, too fast. I was getting dizzy. He saw how pale my face had turned, but he continued with his insults.
"It's funny isn't it? How you turned out to be the same fucking nosey, stupid idiot as her." I was holding back tears, I had enough. I should have walked away, but it had to be said.
"You think that you're any fucking better, don't you? You've been just as emotionally absent as her. I've got shelter, material things but I don't have you. I have never had you. I'm surprised that it never tore your heart apart to see me cry for her, to see me cry doing everything for a warm embrace. You have issues with yourself and the day you find yourself is the day when you realize that you've lost me, a long time ago." He slammed his fist against the table, I flinched.
"Shut up. You-" I cut him off
"Ungrateful brat? Go ahead, tell me how ungrateful I am but don't expect me to be quiet." I yelled at him, he kept drinking. The bottle was empty within seconds. I couldn't take it, the words that had left his mouth killed me. I was in pain, emotional pain. Before I knew it, I was stalking towards the front door. I didn't know where to go, I had nowhere to go. Anne would question me and then call my father. It would be awkward to call Emilia this late. I walked alone on the empty street, I was in desperate need for some fresh air. My phone didn't vibrate, he was too drunk. I was broken, he was hoping for a son and that messed me up.

Hey guys! I hope that you enjoy the story so far! Hoping for some comments and votes, it inspires me to update! Thank you for reading!

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