Chapter Fourteen

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  "Target's name is Kayden. Elite. Ability is called Warp." John said.

  "What kind of things can he do with this warp ability?"

  "Think Zeke, but better. His shifts in position are almost instant, and he doesn't leave a trail to track him. You have to wait until he stops moving to see him." John paused. "He's definitely faster then you, but you can slow him down. He's also proficient in martial arts. Be careful, I'll back you up if you need it."

  "Ok, any tips on how to take this?"

  "Well if it were me, I'd move in closer and wait for it to begin, once I got ahold of four ablities I'd move in and make short work of him, for you? I'd say wait for it to start, then sloe his ass down and beat the shit out if him."

  "Wait for what to start?"

  "That" John said pointing to the field in front of them. "Unlike me who just beats you in front of everyone in school, he takes those who stand against him out here to this field to give em a fair chance. Only thing is most of Lock Haven is low and mid tiers, he's one of six elites that live in this area, all while high and god tiers are unseen here. So he can crush almost all of them without much effort."

  "Damn, ok."

  Meanwhile in the field.

  "I didn't actually expect any of you to actually show up to take your beating, I thought I'd have to do it in front of the school." Kayden said.

  "Go to hell, we have enough people here to take you down." One person said.

  "We shall see." Kayden said as he warped behind the kid who spoke against him. "Boo" he kicked the kid in the back of the head. Then warped away before the people left on their feet to touch him. "Don't you see? I'm so much faster than you, you don't stand a chance."

  "John" Sera said. "They're getting destroyed in there, I'm going in."

  "Not yet," John said grabbing Sera's jacket. "Wait for an opening."


  "But- what? We do this clean and quiet, the last thing we want is the new girl getting identified."

  A few minutes later John saw the opening. Kayden had his back turned to them, he was taunting the battered and beaten people on the ground in front of him. "Go, that is the window we need. You go for him, I'll flank this way and come around if you need me."

  With that the pair split. Sera knew what she needed to do. When she got within 100 yards (91.44 meters) of the field she powered up. Kayden still had his back turned. Good. Sera knew it would not be for long though, she dashed towards him with a speed rivaled only by John's mirrored ability and Kayden. When she came behind him she jumped and placed a perfect kick on the back of his head. The blow sent him flying almost 10 feet.

  John stopped where he was to oversee the battle. *And so it begins.* He thought to himself.

  Kayden stood up. "Oh you son of a-" he paused looking at Sera. "Hey I don't think I know you, you don't go here do you?"

  Sera stayed quiet.

  "Not one for conversation are ya?" Kayden asked. "Suit yourself." He dashed towards her ready to strike. Sera simply dashed out of his path and kicked him in the back causing him to faceplant.

  "Why you little-"

  "Shut up and stay down unless you want us to beat you to an inch of your life." John said walking in from the left side of the field.

  "Who the hell are you?" Kayden asked.

  "The king of Spades." John said with a deadly fire in his eyes as he stomped on Kayden's head. Knocking him out instantly. "Now let's go." He and Sera turned to leave. John then turned back and approached the person who was now barely on his feet. "We were never here. You guys saw an opening and took him down. Got it. You never saw us."

  The kid nodded. John then turned back to Sera and they walked away.

  Despite the kid nodding in agreement John knew he would talk, they always do. Not that it really mattered, the big red spade on the back of the jackets made it very obvious who it was. But luckily for John he was used to hiding his identity from people. After all, he was only found out as Joker because Isen couldn't keep his mouth shut. Or rather, his pen down. It was Sera he was worried about. They weren't exactly doing things the legal way. That's why staying anonymous was so important and overstressed.

  Sera was just nervous. After all it was her first mission, and she would be getting reviewed when they got back to Wellston. Did she do anything wrong? Did she do good? All this concerned her, but more importantly. Was she identified?

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