Chapter Ten

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"Well, looks like your the jack now." John said.

"First you and Shannon have to have a meeting and actually appoint me."

"I know that, but at this point your pretty much the Jack of Wellston."

"And so the spades hold the all the royal titles yet again." Taz said.

"Not quite." John replied. "Sera is still the Ace." He hesitated. "While I think I can defeat her I'm not going to lay a hand on her. She will hold that title."

"I honestly thought you told her about us. After all, she did know we are all god tiers." Taz replied.

"No, I haven't said anything about it."

With that the two turned and left the roof as news of Shannon's victory over Remi spread like wildfire.

  Over the next few days Taz officially became the Jack under John and Shannon. This really pissed off Cecile, who being Cecile challenged Taz. Although even if she won she still wouldn't be the Jack. Of course Taz being a god tier steamrolled Cecile.

  After weeks under the new 'management' of Wellston it was obvious some people were less then happy. But no one more so then Arlo.

  Arlo would complain that before atleast Remi was still in charge, but now with her being dethroned Wellston would most definitely fall into disarray.

  Another thing that happened once people found out Wellston had new royals was the turf war challenges would not stop coming.

  The number of incoming challenges did did start to decrease after the first few exepted challenges turned into bloodbaths. Once news got out the the new royals were god tiers people were either smart enough to know they already lost, or were dumb enough to think they stood a chance. Some just wanted to see four god tiers in action.

  One day when John and Taz were talking Taz said "sometimes I wish being a god tier would actually shut people up."

  "What do you mean?" John asked.

  "Like when people find out they either get really scared and treat you like you're going to kill them at any moment, or they become your number one fan in an attempt to not get on your bad side."

  "Fair point. But you missed one group of people."

  "The dumbasses tho challenge you to see if you are infact a god tier?"

  "Exactly." John said. "I like them though, I don't show any mercy to them."

  "You rarely show mercy as it is."

  "Your not wrong."

  "Hey guys, what's up?" Shannon said walking down the hallway with Sera.

  "Just talking about the dumbasses who challenge you to see if you're really a god tier." Taz replied.

  "I hate those people." Shannon stated.

  "Me too, then I lost my ability and they all turned on me."

  "And I literally beat them to a bloody pulp." John answered.

  "I still haven't thanked you for that." Sera said thinking out loud.

  "Well I have time now, so you know, we can go into this broom closet here." John said jokingly pointing to a closet about 10 or so feet away.

  "Why? Because you know you'll only last five minutes?" Sera retorted.

  "Damn that was below the belt." Shannon said laughing.

  "Want to test that?" John shot back.

  "Nah, I don't really want to be known as 'the whore who fucked John Doe in the broom closet' around school ya know." Sera said with a sly smile. "But maybe later"

  "Damn my boy getting lucky tonight." Taz joked.

  "I never said that," Sera said. "He's got to work for it."

Shannon just couldn't stop laughing at this point as John and Sera went back and forth.

  About three or so minutes later a mid tier came running down the hallway and slammed into Sera and falling back into the ground.

  "What the hell do you think your doing?" John said angrily

  "I'm sorry!" The kid replied hesitantly realizing who he had run into and who was around.

  "There you are you piece of shit." One second year said although nobody could pick out exactly who said it out of the group of six that just stopped in front of the royals.

  "Hey girly" one of them said. "We get first beating of this asshole, any anger you want to beat into him happens after us. So hand him over."

  "And if I don't?" Sera asked.

  "Simple, we'll beat the shit out of you too, and if any of your friends o we there want to get involved we'd be happy to oblige."

  "What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your stupidity." Sera said as John, Taz, and Shannon all made sure they were perfectly visible before the three of them powered up on the spot.

  The kid began to speak but his friend cut him off. "Ok" this other guy spoke "you can have him first, we'll wait."

  "I suggest you get lost before you become a stain on the floor." John threatened taking a step forward. Having access to both Taz's and Shannon's ability he could easily kill all six of the mid tiers without so much as lifting a finger.

  All but one of the boys stepped back, trying to avoid John's wrath. "You wouldn't do that. Not here." The dumb kid said.

  "Want to bet?" John said shaddering the window without talking his hand out of his pocket. "Want to place money on your life?"

  "Fuck you!" The kid said shooting some sort of projectile at John. It exploded before it touched John.

  "To elites, a high, and a god tier couldn't take me down, despite working together at the same time. What gives you the idea that you a dumb little second year mid tier can?"

  "Go to hell" another explosion.

  "Gladly." John smiled. "But first I think I'm going to teach a mid tier a lesson.

  While John proceeded to beat the mid tier Sera turned to the mid tier who was still on the ground "hey, what's your name?" She asked while extending her hand to help him up.

  "Se- Sean" he said hesitantly talking her hand.

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