Chapter one

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As John walked down the hallway a shy and defeated Zeke followed behind, not wanting to give John the news of his defeat to Blyke. He knew however that he would have to do so. And he knew John would be pissed.

"Uh john." He said,

"What do you want now Zeke?" John said turning around. "What the hell happened to you? Wait, nevermind I forgot I don't care." John turned and started walking away.

"Blyke happened" Zeke muttered

John stopped dead in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. "Blyke?"

"Yeah, Blyke kicked my ass" Zeke said looking at the floor.

"How, records say he's not much stronger then you." John stated, interested in where this was going.

"Yeah, but he got stronger, he has a new piece in his kit, its like a heat blast. It blasted me back into the wall."

"Interesting, he still can't beat me though. I'm not worried." John said as he walked away.

A few weeks later while John was sitting in his History class day dreaming he heard his teacher announce that they had a new student joining them. *Another weakling,* John though.

"May our new student please come to the front of the class to introduce himself to the class." The teacher said.

John was snapped back to reality when he saw the student standing at the front of the class. *No, it can't be.* He thought.

The student wore the normal male dress uniform, however his tie was loose and his sleeves were roled up to his forearms. "Hello everyone, my name is Taz," he said as he scanned the room. When he found John his gaze stopped he looked right at John as he said "I transferred here from New Boston High school, my parents moved into the area for work, so here I am." He gave John a crooked smile as he went back to his seat.

*This isn't good, why is he here?* John thought to himself as the teacher started the lesson. About 30 minutes later when the teacher said they were done for the day the students in class started talking to Taz waiting for the bell to dismiss the class.

"So, Taz, what kind of ability do you have?" A random student asked.

"Yeah, what level are you?" Another student asked.

*Oh let's hear this answer* John thought.

"Well I'm an Elite tier, and I call my ability Hellfire, I can shoot pure energy that I can focus directly onto an opponent's body." He said

"Wow, that's cool, you should challenge Zeke or Isen to a rank match."

"Nah, if I'm challenging anyone, it's going to be him." Taz said pointing at John.

"What? You want to fight him? Are you insane?" People said trying to talk sense into Taz, as most people in the room had witnessed John's power.

"Listen to them new guy, I'd kill you, that is, if your telling the truth about your level." John said trying to hint to the room that Taz is stronger then he's letting on.

"What's the matter Johnny boy? Scared of me? Scared of the new guy?" Taz said trying to get a response.

"Fuck you." John said jumping from his seat and grabbing Taz's shirt. "You have no idea who your messing with."

"Oh but I think I do, Mr. John doe, the big shot king of Wellston." Taz said smiling.

"Fuck you." John said preparing a punch for Taz.

"Now now boys, if you want to fight, do it outside as an official rank match." The teacher said.

"Sorry Johnny, can't kill me yet." Taz said smiling.

"Later." John said, pulling Taz a little closer he whispered "we have a lot to discuss" he then pushed Taz back as the bell rang.

After school John and Taz met up to discuss important business.

"Why the hell are you here?" John asked.

"Well I had to see how our former king was doing." Taz said.

"Bullshit, you have an alternative motive."

"Fine, you cought me, it's Shannon."

John was taken aback by the name, he hadn't spoken to her in years. "How is she?" John asked.

"She's fine, misses you, but she's doing good, as a matter of fact-" Taz looks over the seat at Woaba Boba. John turned around to only to see a girl come out of the woman's room.

"Holy shit, she's gotten older hasn't she?"

"Hello Johnny, the girl said coming over to the pair.

"Shannon, long time no see," John said.

"Or talk," she responded with a stink eye.

Just then Seraphina walked through the door entering the Woaba Boba. John throat grew tight. "Sera?" He said.

She turned at the sound of her name to see John sitting with Taz and Shannon who had just taken a seat next to John. "Hey John, I thought you said I ment nothing to you, that you always hated me."

"You said what?!?" Shannon said angry, looking at John. Taz just sat there quitely.

"Anyway, arn't you going to introduce me to your friends?" Sera said.

"I'm Taz, the new student at Wellston." Taz turned and shook Sera's hand.

"Oh yeah, the elite with Hellfire right?"

"Yeah, that's me, your Seraphina, right? Wellston's former ace?"

"I am, and who is this young lady?"

"I'm Shannon." She said, "Taz's girlfriend."

"Since when??" John asked surprised.

"Since you decided you were to good for us and left me."

"You know damn well that wasn't my choice."

"Maybe not, but you didn't have to cut off communication with us,"

"Fine, your right, I'm sorry." John said

"Someone's jealous." Sera said laughing.

"SHUT UP" John yelled. "I am not." He sank back into his seat.

Sera stood there laughing as Taz spoke up. "Relax John," he said, "she still has feelings for you,"

"Shut up asshole" Shannon said

"Sera," John said, silencing the hole group. "I'm sorry,"

"What?" Sera said confused.

"I'm sorry, for everything, the lies, things I've said, all of it, I'm sorry."

"John, I, I don't know what to say."

"It's ok, you don't have to say anything." With that John got up, pushed past Shannon who was now standing next to Sera and left.

"I'll go get him." Taz said getting up to follow John while the girls looked at each other both confused.

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