• tired •

47 3 2

[GOT7, every member, all of them, they mean so much to me. They got me through tough times and I can't forget that. I'll support their solo careers and wish the best for them. In all honesty, I'm glad they're free now.]


I open my eyes and the sudden pain in my head just gets worse. Did I drink too much? Probably. Oh my gosh, I wish it stopped already. I get out of bed, eyes already searching for my purse to find the god damn medicine. But somehow my feet are acting dumb and I fall on my face. "Ow!" Shit, that hurt. Why the heck is my nose so big.

I hear footsteps coming closer. That's weird cuz I don't remember letting anyone in. Someone rushed in front of me. "You okay?" The voice asks. I look up and I see a familiar face. It's the guy who I talked with yesterday. "I.. why are you here? this is my hotel room." I ask backing away from him, covering my body with my hands. What am I thinking, how could a person as handsome as him possibly want me?

He chuckles at me, "I'm not here to do anything to you. Don't you remember what happened last night?" He keeps looking at me, as if waiting for an answer. I don't have a clue what he means by that. "I- so what happened last night?" I ask him as I'm trying to remember, I can't seem to recall anything about him getting in my hotel room.

"You puked all over my new shoes, and you said you'll pay for it, as in letting me stay the night." The guy smiles innocently, why the fuck is he so cute.. Wait no, he is not. "Umm, well, that makes sense. That's how I am since I am not rich and I also have no clue how much your shoes cost." I give him a small smile, he gives a smile back. Wow, ain't this awkward.

"It's whatever. I can just buy new ones right now." is what he says getting his phone out of his jeans' pocket. Why does he sound like as if he would get the shoes right away? Who cares, I need to find my pills. I look through my purse and can't seem to find any. Did I ran out of them already? "You got to be kidding me!" I annoyingly shout out loud, not caring if he hears or not. But of course he has to hear it. "Looking for something? I can buy it for you whatever it is!" sounds like he is showing off how rich he is. Well, that won't work on me.

"Nah, it's nothing." I say while getting a bottle of water from the fridge. He looks at his phone and then I hear a few knocks on the door. The guy opens the door and there is some kind of a delivery man, he gives the guy these packages and leaves. "Girl, here you go." this dark haired guy (who's name I still don't know) says to me while giving me the smaller package of painkillers.

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