18 - Trouble Finds Me (Day/Night 7)

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Lilly's POV

Morning sucked but I got through it. Felix and James were talking over training while Catherine, Maddie and I would go to the islands and figure out the school. I made sure to give Maddie her badge and watch before the two of us teleported to headquarters. We were on the first floor and went to the elevators, did our security stuff and got down to the floor Catherine was on with January. "Luckily my schedule is pretty open today. Which leaves us the perfect opportunity to deal with the islands today," Catherine told me. "I'm still working on the details for things on the island. We're just dealing with the school for now but we can do some island exploring if we have time," I told them. I teleport us all right to the school. "Woah it's huge," January said in awe. "Yeah It is but I just have to figure out what is going to be taught during the school," I told her. "How many rooms are there," Catherine asked me. "Close to 1,100 including classrooms," I told her. "Do students get the option between a single room or sharing a room," January asked me. "Yes there's around 110 singles and the rest of the dorms are doubles," I told her. "Can we check out what a single dorm looks like," January asked. "Sure let's go inside," I told her. The second we stepped inside they all were kind of shocked at just how big and nice it is. "Geez this place is much bigger on the inside than I thought it would be," Maddie said softly. "The food seems like it would actually be good," January stated. I chuckled.

 "Wait till you see the café in the library," I told her. "This school is impressive. So is this the common area," Catherine asked. "No, this is just the entrance hall. This school has 5 stories. There's 60 classrooms that hold between 25-30 students in each classroom. We have 650 available double dorm rooms. So on both the left and right hallway there are both stairs and an elevator that lead to each floor," I told them. "What's on this floor," January asked. "The library and study hall, nurses office, detention and the meeting area. So if there is an assembly for announcements they will be in here. Second floor is where the classrooms all are as well as a second library and a snack bar. Then the third floor is the cafeteria, the fourth floor is the girls dorm room and the 5th floor is the boys dorm room. We have several empty rooms on the first floor which would be turned into the lower class area for the younger kids. The upperclassmen are upstairs in the bigger classrooms where it's mostly teens and young adults," I told her. I started the tour and we ended the tour in the library. 

"Lastly is the main library. The café is in the corner where students can buy snacks and drinks. Each student is given online points and you get 20 as a flat rate. Then teachers give them out if you behave or have good grades or test well things like that. Or you can just buy something with cash. I was thinking we can hire some students who want a job to either work here or help in the library. Small jobs where they can earn some extra cash," I told them. "That's a pretty good idea. This school is really nice so far, even I would want to attend here," Maddie told me. "Stairs or elevator," I asked them. "Elevator," January said quickly. We took the elevator to the second floor and toured some of the classrooms before going to the third floor. "This is one really large cafeteria," Maddie said softly. "It's nice. Much better than my old school's cafeteria," January said softly. "Lets go to the dorm rooms," I suggested. "I'm curious as well. Are the dorms crammed," Catherine asked. "No, they have a decent amount of space," I replied. We checked out both the girls and boys dorm room before I ended the tour.

 "It's a good school. We can offer regular classes and then classes that train them for the society. Of course we'd have to come up with a school uniform but it's a good start. I can start looking at agents and see who'd like to become a teacher at the school," Catherine said softly. "Honestly I'd come out of retirement to be a teacher here. It's a nice school and I would definitely enjoy teaching. So long as this school is more strict on their rules. My old school had sucky discipline and so many teachers quit because we got mistreated so much," Maddie said softly. "I'm sure James and Felix would like to teach here as well. Leave all the rules and stuff to me for the most part everything here is done," Catherine said softly. "Is there a garden," January asked. "Yes, behind the school. We even have a small orchard," I told her. "That's so cool," January said softly. "The tour took longer than expected so we should head back. It's almost lunch time. It was nice meeting you January," Maddie said softly. "You too," January replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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