7 - Summer School (Night 1) ⭐

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3rd POV
James goes to Lilly's room to have a conversation. She was laying on her bed messing with her powers. "So you teleported out," James said softly. "Just be glad I didn't decide to run away just so I wouldn't be forced to be a part of the society. Trust me if I ran away you wouldn't have found me," Lilly said softly.

"I don't like it any more than you. Everyone had a choice when it came to joining the societies unless they failed training. Now suddenly when it comes to you that choice is ripped away from you. I know how scary it is to have powers and wanting to be normal. I learned to accept my powers as a part of me. Now I can't think of a life without these powers. Look if you see this choice as a bad thing then all you're going to do is think of this choice as a bad thing, You are extraordinary and we don't want someone treating you as a weapon. Which is why we have to have you join the society. We can't risk someone kidnapping you or hurting you just because you're powerful. People's lives could be at stake and if they use your power for let's say an attack on the monarchy. It'll send mass panic to the public, they'll search for answers and they might find us. That puts everyone in the society in danger. Do you understand that?" James asked her.

"I don't want these powers James I just want to be normal but this means I won't be normal" Lilly told him softly. "Lilly we will never be what others believe normal is. There is no playbook for what normal is because it's different for everyone. Normal is what you want your normal to be. You're not alone in this and when I was your age I felt the same exact way but then I realized that these powers gave me a purpose. Something seconds borns have been longing for. You'll never be alone because you have me and Felix and Catherine and so many others and yes you may be a little different than the rest of us. But, you were never just born to be normal, you were born for great things. You were born extraordinary and these powers may weigh heavy on you. Just remember you never have to deal with it alone. You can talk to me or Felix or Catherine. You and Catherine have similar powers and the same goes for Felix. Having similar powers means that you can build a connection with them and then it won't feel so lonely. Having powers can be challenging at times but in the end it gives a lot of us a second chance. We have a purpose and we can help people and make the world a better place. Plus you have to admit having powers is pretty cool" James said softly.

"Says you I mean you can literally clone and you can control your power. I don't even know what half of my powers are like or how to control them," Lilly told James. "Do you ever feel lonely even when you're surrounded by people?" Lilly continued. "Sometimes but I always remind myself I have people that care about me. You have people that care about you Lia. It just might take you time to get there and realize that you're not alone and you have people," James told her. "Who's your person," Lilly asked him. "What does that mean," James asked me.

"Our person is like an anchor, someone who keeps us in control. Someone we can lean on someone who is always there for us no matter what. No matter how busy they are or if they're mad at you. The one person who you can't imagine your life without. I don't really have someone like that but I think it might be Roxana" Lilly told him. "I guess Henry was my person. I couldn't even imagine what I would have been like without Henry. But now I have to and it's not as bad as I thought because I still have my family and friends to lean on. Catherine and I have known each other for a long time so I guess Catherine would be my person" James told her softly.

"Do you think I'll be ready?" Lilly asks James. "You may have more powers but I think you'll be ready sooner than you think. Felix and I will be back later to have another conversation. For now you could stay in your room or you can read up on spells," James told her. "Why can I even spell cast," Lilly asked. "We believe your mother was some sort of witch. We only know of a few as they're partners with a couple second borns. Most witch bloodlines don't have their powers anymore. You know witches started the second born gene," James told her. "I actually did. In one of my books it explains the history of second borns and other supernatural beings created to protect people," Lilly replied.

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