17 - Rescue Mission (Night 5/Day 6)⭐

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Lilly's POV

I was having some great sleep until I was so rudely awakened to go downstairs and eat. "You look like you got hit by a train," Tuma jokes. "I wish," I mumbled. Felix flicks my ear and I whine rubbing my ear. "What was that for," I complained. "That comment. We do not talk like that, do you understand," Felix told me. "Yes," I replied, annoyed. I sat with the adults and everyone started eating. "Please tell me we aren't training today. It's Sunday, we need at least one day off," Sam told James. "We don't train on Sundays and no you cannot leave the school nor can you hang out with Mike," James replied. "Come on Lilly gets to leave school, why does she get special treatment," Sam said annoyed. "I don't get special treatment. Whenever I 'leave school' I'm still on campus. I'm just elsewhere away from everyone else. The times I do leave campus I'm out of commission because I'm your mothers lab rat," I replied. I took a bite out of my food and James gave me a stern look. 

"What it's true. Catherine keeps pushing and pushing because she doesn't have the ability to do what's needed. So she uses a kid who's in training and continues to use me like a lab rat for the society's benefit," I continued. "You know it's not like that," James said softly. "Really is that why I almost died, after you guys said I was safe and that you'd protect me," I said bitterly. "We will talk later so right now just eat your food," Felix whispered to me. I sighed and continued to eat my food. "What did she mean by that," Sam asked. "It's none of your concern," James told her. Sam dropped the subject and just ate her food and made small talk with her group. Maybe I'm just realizing the impact that almost dying had on me. I mean they said that they'd pull me out before things got too bad but Catherine insisted that I was fine and that it wasn't too bad yet. Until things really got out of hand and then I almost died. Or maybe I'm just upset with everything that's happened thus far at summer school, and it's just now catching up to me. Someone interlocked our hands together and I snapped out of my daze. It was Maddie holding my hand and I realized the lights flickering. I pushed my powers down and the lights stopped flickering. 

I finished my food and left for my room and crawled under my blankets but quickly got too hot so I hid under my light bed sheet. "Lilly," Felix said softly. I peek out of my sheet and Felix sits on my bed. "I wanna be alone," I said softly. "Sorry kiddo but I can't leave you alone. You left without one of us by your side and we talked about this. You can't be alone, you always have to have one of us with you," Felix said softly. "Well maybe it's better if he takes me," I said sadly. "Come on Lilly, you don't actually believe that," Felix said softly. He was trying to comfort me and I understand that but I don't know what to feel. I think I'm feeling too much right now. "No but it feels like it. I'm putting everyone in danger," I told him. "No you're not and I think your empath powers are just making you feel all these emotions and you don't know which ones are yours," Felix said softly. I push the sheet to my waist. "I don't know what I'm feeling. Half the time it feels like I'm feeling too much and it makes me feel as if I feel nothing at all. Other times I feel like my emotions are other people's emotions and sometimes I feel like I'm numb and that kind of scares me. When people are numb they don't care they feel like they have nothing to lose. Sort of like Inmate 34, he's been in confinement for so long that he has nothing to lose," I said softly. "Well you aren't wrong and maybe we can figure something out. Why don't you get changed and we can go to your really cool headquarters," Felix told me. I got up and changed into comfortable but casual clothes. "The others are gonna get suspicious," I told him. "Nope, Maddie and James are taking the kids out for some fun. Catherine will pull Sam out first and then after Sam is told you will erase her memories," Felix told me. I just nod and teleport us to headquarters. "I'm gonna update my systems. I'll be in the tech room," I told him. "Alright I'll get you when we need you," Felix replied. I got to my tech room and started updating the security and having V.I work on the new entrance system to prevent any unwanted visitors. The society has those pins but their major flaw is that anyone can take the pin and get in. So I had copied the idea but was going to tie the pin to the user's DNA. That way not just anyone can grab the pin and get in. "Lilly," Felix called out. I teleported out and to him. "Yeah," I replied. He jumped and turned around. "Don't do that. Geeze you scared the life out of me. Anyway we need you to erase Sam's memories," Felix told me. "Woah woah woah no I did not agree to this," Sam stated. "Sam it's temporary. If you even so much as mess up in the slightest a lot of people can die. Do you want to be responsible for that," I asked. "Why does she get to know? My uncle killed my dad and you're just gonna make me forget that," Sam stated. "Your uncle murdered almost my entire family and I saw it happen. The difference is I've kept that secret pretty much my entire life. Plus every time you're in this place you'll automatically remember but the second you leave you'll forget. We all have our part, it's time for you to play your part," I told Sam. "Fine, but how'd you even get this place out here. It doesn't even look like a palace," Sam said softly. "It's going to be moved to a cloaked island. This place is going through major updates. But before we erase her memories I have to get her into the database," I said softly. "Already took her blood and fingerprints and picture," Catherine told me. "Good, let's get this done with. I'll see you back here soon," I said softly. I go in her mind and lock the memories before Catherine teleports her out. I put Sam's blood, fingerprints and picture up somewhere safe. We do this for all second borns before ending with Roxana. We had her take some DNA from January's twin before erasing her memory. "What are you doing with the DNA," Catherine asked me. "Sending it to a witch friend to do a locator spell," I said softly. "You know another witch," Catherine asked. "I'm not outing her name. I'll be back in a second," I said softly. I teleported out and landed in Eleanor's room. "Hey sis what's up," Eleanor asked. "I need a witchy favor," I said softly. "Sure what kind of spell," Eleanor asked. "Locator spell," I asked. "I'll text you when I have a location. How have you been, I've sensed that you've drained yourself a few times," Eleanor said softly. "Yeah, which is why I'm on no power duty. Not to mention I have a stalker who wants to kidnap me and the person who murdered my parents wants to use my power to rule the world," I told her. "Geeze your summer sucks," Eleanor replied. "Tell me about it. Unfortunately I have to go back but I own you one big time," I said softly. "Take it easy," Eleanor told me. "No promises," I replied. I teleport back. "What does your witch friend say," Felix asked. "She'll text me when she has a location," I replied. "You said you were moving to this place. Where to," Catherine questioned. "There are a few cloaked islands really close to Illyria. I have things planned for it. How do you keep the society a secret when a second born can unlock their powers at any given moment," I told her. "We have a way of knowing when their powers are activated. For the most part we dampen their powers and erase their memories until summer so we can train them," Catherine told me. "Why not just create a supernatural school. That way kids can be there the entire year and not just summer," I suggested. "Where exactly would I put that school," Catherine asked. "On the islands. Like I said, it's not far from here. Kids can live on campus all year long and go back home during summer and holidays. Send out invites to newly activated second borns and send another second born out to explain to each of them. Sort of like a recruiter for the school I already had a school built on one of the islands. Originally it was for something else but that way you don't have to take their powers or erase their memories and there will be more second borns in the society. Plus it doesn't have to be just for second borns, it can be for super naturals across the world," I told her. "What's the school's name," Felix asked me. "Ithaca's academy for the royalty gifted," I replied. "That could work but society has a hard enough time trying to figure out when someone is activated. So it'll be difficult," Catherine told me. "Not really," I replied. I pulled up the holographic globe where there were glowing dots around it. "What do the golden dots mean," Felix asked me. "Active supernatural around the world. All of them are newly activated. Ages range from 6-18 but it looks like there are some new witches. I guess some of the old bloodlines are finally starting to reawaken," I said softly. "Why are some brighter than others," Catherine asked. "The brighter the dot is, the more powerful the person is," I told her. "What about these purple and red ones," Catherine asked. "Purple are the witches and red means they're a rare supernatural. Like a siren or elemental. Look, the brightest dot is here in Illyria, it happens to be a red dot and then there is another red dot. Felix is a second born elemental but usually they're a different color. Which is weird. I'll have to read up on that," I said softly. "That's a lot of kids who need help," Catherine said softly. "Close to 1,600 there's a number down here," Felix told her. "System all up to date," V.I stated. "Thank you V.I," I replied. I teleported out and grabbed the new security details before teleporting back. "In order to get back in here you'll need these. They're like your pins except they're specific to your DNA. That way only you can use them. These are your badges you'll scan them on the elevator ride to prove you have clearance to be here. You both have full access to the headquarters and these watches will teleport you to and from headquarters. You'll start off on the first floor and from there you'll take the elevator, have your pin and badge scanned and then taken to the floor you want. I'll give James and Maddie their badges later," I told them. "We could really use these ideas in the society," Catherine told me. "Maybe once I'm finished with my headquarters then I can help you with yours," I told her. "We should head back," Felix spoke up. My secret phone went off and I pulled it out. "You have a phone," Felix said calmly. "It's from headquarters and it's only for contact with my witch friend. But we got a hit on the real January's location. You'll never guess where she's been the entire time," I told them. "Where," Catherine asked. "The school. Apparently there's hidden tunnels under the school and she's been kept there. No doubt that there is camera's hidden down there so I'll go down there and check it out," I told them. "How has she been under our noses the entire time," Catherine asked. "Nobody knew about the tunnels so it's easy for us to not know. Plus we haven't been at summer school that long," I told her. "Well we could keep her here and the adults can take turns watching over her," Felix suggested. "She can stay in the med-bay until V.I states that she's healthy. Then we can move her into a room where she's comfortable," I told them. "Shouldn't we wait till you're better before doing this," Catherine stated. "It doesn't take much energy. I can be in and out really quick," I told them. "Be careful and make it quick. I'll have the med-bay prepared," Felix told me. I cloak myself and teleport to the school and find my way in the tunnels by pretty much phasing all the cells in my body. I go through the tunnels and eventually find her in a cell chained up. She's in a corner crying, she looks pale and tired. I adjust the spell to where only she can see me. I put up a sound barrier and illusion spell. "January. It's okay I know you don't know me but my name is Lilly and I'm here to get you out of here," I said softly. January looks at me. She's scared and unsure about me. I go over to her and she tries to back up. I bend down to her level and use my powers to break the chains. "You're not going to hurt me," January said brokenly. "No I'm not and neither is anyone else. I need you to trust me okay," I said softly. January nods. I helped her stand up before teleporting us to the med bay. "These people are going to help you while I go back and make sure they can't get you again okay," I told her. January is hesitant but nods. I teleport out and clone her before setting her clone backup and teleporting out and dropping all of the other spells. I get January a change of clothes and head to the med bay. "She's dehydrated and malnourished, sensitive to light and scared but other than that she's okay," Catherine told me. "Good everything else is set. These are a change of clothes, she can take a shower and get changed after her IV is finished. We can get her settled in a room later tonight," I told her. "For now you and Felix head back. I'll stay with her tonight and make sure she's settled. James can take the morning shift and I'll take the night shift. Maddie and Felix need to worry about keeping you safe," Catherine told me. I teleport Felix and I back before falling on my bed. "It's been a long day," I stated. "It's only 8:30 kiddo," Felix told me. "Great sounds like bedtime," I replied. "Nope sounds like it's dinner time. Come on, dinner should be ready downstairs," Felix said softly. I whined and crawled under the blankets. Felix pulls them off and throws me over his shoulder causing me to giggle. "Felix put me down," I said softly. "Nope," Felix replied. He carries me downstairs and sets me down. Once we ate dinner we got ready for bed. I took a shower first before Maddie and Felix took a shower. While they were in the shower I was looking at the stars when my super senses kicked in and I saw Alex not too far from the school. He had binoculars and was trying to get an angle from inside my room. I used my powers to shut all the curtains. After some time Maddie and Felix came out of the bathroom ready for bed. "Alex isn't too far from the school he was trying to watch me," I told them. "Great, from now on we're just gonna have to keep the curtains closed," Maddie said sarcastically. She made her way to my bed and tucked me in before kissing my forehead. I say goodnight to them and Felix locks the door before checking the windows to make sure they're locked. Once he was sure there was no other way in, he turned off the lights and got in bed with Maddie. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. 

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