3 - Last Day of School ⭐

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Lilly's POV
My alarm went off and I rolled over and hit the snooze button. I groaned and buried my head into my pillow. Mornings suck and I already want the day to end. After a few more times of hitting the snooze button I finally decided to get up and unplug my alarm. I wasn't going to school today due to my mom deciding to have me stay home. So I fell back into my bed and fell back to sleep for another few hours. Even when I woke up I just stayed in bed. My thoughts were wandering towards Martinez 's betrayal.

I know sometimes people mean for the best and just had a bad execution. I just don't know if that's what he meant when he forced me into therapy. He knew what happened with my last therapist and maybe that was his way of showing me to just give therapy a second chance. But then again how can you ever recover from your therapist kidnapping you and trying to kill you?

I sigh and I rolled over expecting to be on my back since I was laying on my stomach. But I ended up rolling a little too far and fell off the bed hitting the ground. I groan in pain. "Just peachy, starting off the day strong," I mumbled to myself. I got up and changed into leggings and a t-shirt before going back to bed. I didn't want to do anything today. Life lately has been so exhausting but then again that's life as an empath. I put on some Bad Bunny. He's a prince who was in line for the throne in his family but he didn't want to be royalty so he started doing music. His parents were a little disappointed that he didn't want the throne but they understood and supported his passion. It didn't take long for his songs to blow up and soon he became known as the king of latin trap.

In some way I can relate. I don't want to be royalty but again I don't know what else I would do. I have many passions as a royal and I get to help so many people but it doesn't make me feel any better.At some point somehow I fell asleep listening to his songs but I woke up a few hours later to Roxana storming into my room clearly upset.

"This cannot be happening, mom just told me she's sending me to summer school. I was supposed to go on my summer vacation in Haiti" Roxana complained. "At least we're going together. Mom said it would be of good use for me to go" I said softly. It's technically not a lie I'll be training so it is of good use for me to go. Roxana lays on my bed with me and we cuddled. Roxana is 18 and I'm 17 so we're pretty close to each other due to our small age gap. "Are you really going to be moving after summer," Roxana asked me. "I don't know. I'm still trying to figure everything out," I told her. "I don't want you to leave," Roxana whispers.

That kind of broke my heart because I love Roxana to death. She's my sister and I don't wanna leave but at the same time it's what's best for me. "If it makes you feel better I won't be going far. There's this nice house that's a 10 minute walk from the palace. I think I'll buy that house so that way we can visit each other whenever we want," I said softly. "Good cause I would miss you too much if you moved far away," Roxana mumbled. She messes with my necklace as we cuddle. "Did I ever tell you what it means," I asked her.

"No but I know it means something important," Roxana told me. "Yeah it's pretty important. It is my family crescent. It's a symbol of protection and strength. It means a lot of things but it's most known for meaning hope and love. There's a saying that goes with the necklace," I told her. "Can I hear it," Roxana asked me. "I wish I knew. It stopped being told because my grandmother said that my mother wasn't pure enough," I told her. That was a lie, I just didn't want to tell her. Well it's not a total lie. My grandmother did say that but she did tell me the saying because I was the chosen one. Whatever that means. "That sucks. Anyway I should go and pack for summer school," Roxana told me.

She kisses my cheek and leaves to her own room. I decided that I also needed to start packing. So I spent some time picking out outfits and sorting things. I packed 4 suitcases and put them in the corner. 1 suitcase is full of pajamas, the other is full of my undergarments. The next one has shorts, t-shirts, tang tops and leggings. I grabbed a large gym bag and put some towels in it. Then I gathered my toothbrush and toothpaste with my shampoo and conditioner. I put that all in my bag before I zip it up, putting it with my other things.

I decided to clean up my room, do my dirty laundry and make my bed. I dust and clean my bathroom. I know we have people to do that for us but I get restless when I don't have something to do. Before I knew it I was called down for dinner. I ate my food before going to my room and taking a shower. I dry my hair before putting it in a loose braid. I set my alarm and put my two sketch pads in my backpack. With my coloring supplies and pencils with a few erasers. I knew we weren't going to summer school so it didn't matter to me. Plus I didn't have room in my bags for my art things. I brush my teeth and wash my face before turning off my light.

I crawl in bed before falling asleep but I don't stay asleep for long. I was always restless at night which is why I always tried to sleep during the day. If I can't sleep I might as well practice my powers. Plus we go to summer school tomorrow so why not a little extra practice. I teleported to my secret hideout. Well it's more of a secret headquarters. I went to the training room and did a few simulations. My watch went off and I checked it.

Crap it's 8:30 am and James is at the palace. I froze time and teleported back home before I used my superspeed to take a shower, get dressed and dry my hair. I unfroze time and seconds later James knocked on my door. I unlocked it and opened it. "Alright I'm ready," I said softly. "Alright well let's go," James told me.

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