14 - Crazy! (Day/Night 4) ⭐

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Felix's POV

All hell broke loose the second Catherine mentioned her idea. It was such a stupid and risky idea that put Lilly in danger and pissed me off. We all started to argue over the plan. By arguing, I mean all of us yelling over each other. I was the only one who noticed the lights flicker and stopped arguing while James, Maddie and Catherine continued to argue. Lilly was in the corner rocking herself as she was shaking in fear and tears streamed down her face. I go over to Lilly and get down to her level. 

"Come here princess," I said softly. Lilly wrapped herself around me and I picked her up. Yes she's 17 but also she's a kid who needs comfort after the news she found out. I carefully hold her and she buries her face in my neck. I cover her ear. "Everyone shut up," I raised my voice. Everyone went silent. "Arguing about this isn't going to help her or get us any closer to a solution. Also you have some guts after suggesting that plan when the last plan almost got her killed. So why don't we all sit down and take a moment to calm down and when we all wanna act like adults instead of yelling in front of a scared child. Then we all can talk and have a civil conversation," I told everyone. I take my hand off Lilly's ear and she just rests in my arms doing her best to stay calm. I'm just doing my best from not going to headquarters and murdering Alex with my bare hands. Lilly said we need Alex alive which sucks.

 Maddie and James joined me on the couch. Lilly had teleported a blanket to her and curled herself between me and Maddie. Me and Maddie held her. "I suggest a different option," Lilly said quietly. "What would that be princess," Maddie asked softly. Maddie gently strokes her hair which calms Lilly. "We go with Catherine's plan but with a different execution. We have it to where I somehow end up finding one and then there's an entire search that has all the hidden one's removed. Which leaves the school one's which we all can easily avoid. That cuts off his access to me. We let their plan play out all the way to the vision. That's only in 3 weeks. That will give an opening for Alex to kidnap me. But with the hidden cameras now gone we put me in hiding. So when he kidnaps me it won't actually be me. It'll be a clone of myself. We track down my clone to Alex's hideout and drop in on Alex. I have my own secret headquarters that we can keep him in. I can do a deep dive in his mind and find out their plan. We can let them believe everything is according to plan and clone Alex but have his clone under our control. They play out their plan during the coronation and let them believe that nobody can stop them. But we already know their plan so now we can stop them," Lilly suggested. 

I gently kissed her forehead. "Smart plan kiddo," I said softly. She rests her head on my chest. "This could work. We know their plan then we know the third person involved. Once we know the third person involved we can finalize the plan. For now let's follow through with phase 1. Discovering and destroying the camera's," Catherine told us. "What if the others ask questions," Maddie asked. "I have a very bad feeling about January. I feel like she's involved but I'm unsure so don't act on that part," Lilly spoke up. "If they ask we'll tell them it's a routine check due to something being found," James stated. "Well let's get this first step dealt with," I spoke up. Lilly gets up and teleports out.

 Maddie, Felix and I all leave Catherine's office. Lilly pretends to be looking for something in her old room when she spotted a glint from the ceiling. To where she "finds" the camera by accident. "Felix! James! Come quick," Lilly yelled out. Me and James go to her room. "What's up," I asked, pretending to be confused. "I was looking for something in my room when I saw a glint from the ceiling. I got curious and found a camera," "Lilly said on edge. "Probably some dumb kid spying on some girls from the dorm during school. But just in case I'll call Catherine to have a team do a routine deep search," James said calmly. He calls Catherine and everyone ends up having to stay outside of the building. "What's going on," Sam asked. "Lilly found a camera in her room while searching for something. It's probably just some dumb boy from school who was spying on girls in their rooms. Just to be sure we have a team doing a routine check just in case there's more," James told her. 

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