Back From Death

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In the province of kabun, there's a house. Not sure but you can consider it both old and new. There lives Henry Stewart. 

The house looks simple. He's a minimalist. Though simple, it looks lively as contrary to the owner. He even has a suicide pill ready.

If 5 years is not short to you, he just recently moved in Kabun. He has no neighbours. He chose kabun because of that as most people lived in cities and the province is mostly empty aside from scattered dwellings and few groups. So if he has neighbours, they are far flung ones.

He prefers the solitude. 

Da da da . He hums as he prepare his breakfast: sunnyside up egg, sausage, and garlic fried rice. He puts them into one medium-sized plate and put it on the table. 

He walks to the fridge, grabs non-fat fresh milk he bought from the City Mall yesterday, walks back to the table, and sits. 

He is about to take his first bite when the bell rings. 

It's weekend. He has no visitors during these days, even since the first time he lived here. Who could it be? He hadn't socialize in the area for all the years. His family and friends died years ago. 

He still hadn't accepted it. He doesn't want to go through the same pain. So he better just live alone.

He sighs. He looks at the food, shakes his head, and stands up. He opens the door. 

There's no one at the gate. 

He stares as if someone will pop up. He shakes his head in annoyance. Must be some prank, he concludes and walks back to the dining room. He better get back while it's still warm.

He sits again and feels the relief as he smell the savory garlic rice. He grabs the spoon, cuts a slice of egg and sausage, and eats them.

The fat juicy sausage and fluffy fried egg swirled as savory mix of juice in his mouth. He shovels bits of rice also and the day already feels good. He thought there couldn't be better than a good breakfast.

But the bell rings again. It interrupted him for the second time. Instead of going to see the visitor, he just eats when multiple rings makes it unbearable and he is now about to open the door - and the gate is empty.

Is someone pulling a prank on him, he wonders. He doesn't have the temperament to shout. So, he simply walks to the gate and disables the ringer.

He smiles and walks back to the house. He stops by the door, closes his eyes, and tries to listen. Weird. He then looks back at the gate, scans bits of the surrounding, and sighs. "Forget it. It seems my senses have dulled."

He enters and his jaw drops when he reached the dining room. His lips turn pale. His stomach twists. "You." It looks like he had seen a ghost. "You're alive?" He just stares at her. 

She is smiling at him as she is seated in the table across him. She didn't say a word. She simply smiles.

He closes his eyes, slamming it close, and shakes his head in disbelief. By the time he is about to open it, he feels her warm hug.

"It's me. It's me."

I - I - he doesn't know what to say.

"You thought I died."

He hugs her back hard. He cries. "I thought I lost you. I thought you really died. I thought you all died." It's the first time he cried since he lived here. "I love you. Where have you been all this time?"

He tries to pinch himself. This is not a dream right because it hurt. "Where are the others?" he asks.

"Sorry. They are really dead."

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