Chapter 21

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Sleeping in his bed felt so... Sad. I missed this. I missed us. This could've been us for a long time. In bed, cuddling, making love and eventually... I shook my head. He brought this on himself.

He was behind me but distanced, because he knew better than to get comfortable with me, especially now. I turned to him and looked him in his eyes. For so long, just staring at him sufficed.

I was so upset. I rolled back over because staring at him made me more upset at this whole situation.

His warm hand touched my own and his head leaned closer to my back. " I'm sorry, Zoey. I know this is hard on the both of us, but I want to make it up to you in any way I can." He whispered. I got up and sighed almost angrily, going to find another place to sleep. " Zo...."

I looked back. He kind of covered his eye and his voice got heavy
" Please stay. You can disappear in the morning, but it hurts the most when you aren't here for bed."  He was trying so hard to not cry in front of me. I knew it hurt him. I lie back down next to him because I understood that feeling. Sleeping in an otherwise empty bed drove me crazy some nights too.

He didn't say anything else. This was all he wanted for 3 long months. It was all I wanted for 3 long months and was the least I could give him.


It was a bright morning, everything encompassed in pale sunlight. I stood and covered Keith in the remainder of the blanket. I tip toed downstairs in my socks, shirt and night shorts. I washed my hands and began making breakfast. Waffles and eggs with bacon was alright. Ellie came into the kitchen, only wearing her shirt and.... Chancy's underwear??!! I knew Chancy wore black cotton. Ellie gave me a big hug, Her hair was a little messy but she looked fine otherwise. " I would prefer you wear pants if you're gonna sit there, Ellie." She went back to the living room.

I thought of Keith's words last night. I knew he would do anything to have me back. I knew he was sorry. I knew he was working towards becoming better. I knew a lot more about him being away than together. He was lovesick, above all else. The waffle iron made a ding. The first 2 batches were done. I poured in more batter and made eggs in the meantime.

I looked over at the doorway. Vanessa and Michael were probably just behind it " ...Babe, what am I gonna do? What if she tries to poison my food? You know she hates me!"

I heard him sigh " She isn't going to..... I know. She's only here ....Keith and... Nice. Now..." All I heard was broken pieces because he was quieter. I plated the eggs and bacon that I put in the oven before. I was just waiting on the waffles to finish. I made a fairly simple batter so it only smelled sweet and toasty.

After a while, I was able to get the Waffles onto plates. I grabbed whip, blueberries and some syrup. I topped and drizzled syrup over all of the waffles. I set the table and got to all of the dishes. The amount of dishes wasn't much, but still a lot. I also had glasses of espresso set along the table. There was a green drink in the fridge that I heated up amd poured for Vanessa.

" Good morning, sweetheart. I see you made everybody breakfast." I turned to Michael and nodded.

I pushed my hair behind my ears " Yeah if you could just get everyone for breakfast. I'll go wake up Keith. He nodded. Vanessa cautiously walked past us and sat down in the farthest corner from us. I went back up to our bedroom, his idiot, his bedroom and opened the bedroom door.

He was putting on clothes and his hair was wet. He just showered. I walked in and approached him " Hey babe, I made breakfast. Come down when you're ready." He ran his hands throughout his hair to get excess water out and looked up at me " I thought you left."

I rubbed the base of my wrist and my forearm " Well yeah, I'm gonna leave later but I wanted to make breakfast for you and everyone else." He said nothing but nodded. Something was off... He wasn't even looking at me.

I sat by his side and placed my hand over his own. " Tell me." I waited for something. A sign, words, if any. Something. He got up and walked downstairs. " Thank you." He mumbled under his breathe. So he wasn't in the talking mood. I got up and followed.

He wasn't there yet, so I took the seat next to Chancy. Ellie would have to sit next to Keith for this morning. Her face dropped immediately as she saw my expression. She grabbed my hand under the table. I squeezed back. He pretty much brushed me off after trying to make up for last night. Ellie took my seat and sighed. She pushed her hair away " Whoever made this looks like they did a pretty good job." She chuckled, smiling. " Thank you. I made breakfast." I whispered,  smiling. My face fell as soon as it came into a smile.

I ate but I wasn't in the mood. There was an uncomfortable silence. I drank my espresso and saved my plate for later. I pushed in my chair and walked out through the back door. As soon as I walked out I knew it was a bad idea. I was already braless and I almost immediately nipped. It was kind of chilly but I sat in the grass against the wall.

My eyes shut and I breathed in the morning air, letting my frustrations go with it. Maybe he wasn't in the mood? But things were different! We were trying to get back together... Communication was key, if anything. Was I just not reading him right? Was I coming off as cruel? Maybe that's why he begged me not to go. But wait, that didn't make any sense... I finally opened my eyes and jumped, gasping. There he sat next to me, his eyes closed as well.

" Um, what happened? Did you finish your breakfast?" I asked, concerned as well as confused.

He looked back at me " No. Everyone told me you left looking really upset. It can wait. What happened?." I tried to think about it but It was on my tongue and out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying " Why did you flake me off this morning? I thought we were supposed to be getting back together, not pushing each other farther away!" He looked over and took a breath. " What happened? What did I do?"

" I wanted to talk to you after you finished washing but you just ran downstairs. I thought it might have been something I did or about what happened last night but I-" His tongue gently licked my lip. He kissed my face and lips sweetly. I hesitated almost pulling away, but I let him. He kissed and tongued me.  He kissed my lips once more and looked back at me. " Sorry. I..." He looked wide eyed " Someone slipped something in our espresso and it's working." My skin crawled.

I didn't know what he was talking about but as soon as I doubted it, I felt it. I grabbed his hand and ran into the shed. I locked the door and stripped, propping myself up on the boxes in the back. Keith's eyes went from a baby blue to a baby pink before he approached me. He kissed me passionately and pulled my naked body closer. My moans were almost loud and I passed out right then and there.
Chancy looked at the table with dark espresso spilled in the center as Ellie touched it. Michael knew it was mischievous and practically overboard but he didn't say anything. Chancy gasped when she was able to see into the shed, where Keith was having sex with a passed out Zoey in the shed.  She had gem-like pink eyes that were closed but only open enough for them to see that.

Vanessa looked on, pleased. Vanessa didn't like Zoey very much either. There wasn't a reason, but just an innate distrust. She knew Zoey valued her virginity and was likely to wait until she was married to Keith to have relations. Vanessa slipped twice the normal dosage of lust potion, so Zoey did get to have her first time, but was practically unaware of anything, losing control of herself and her body. Keith was given one drop more than the normal dosage, so in 30 minutes, he would realize what he did.

Was Vanessa bad? Not exactly, but pretty much. Michael wiped up the espresso and the images of them were gone. Ellie looked at Chancy " We should head out." Without any rationalizing done, Chancy just agreed. She put on her coat and Ellie did as well. They were gone. Now Michael and Vanessa were left. " That was a shitty move Vanessa, you know who the blame will fall on." Vanessa nodded, not caring.

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