The Second Stranger

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She didn't know what she was thinking when she thought it was a good idea to go with her friend. Now she's laying flat on the back in an alley. Not very comfortable.

Grumbling as she stood up, she observed her surroundings. To her left it seemed as if the alley would go on forever, with the occasional cat. To her right she could see people passing the opening of the alley,  she assumed that was the way out, though she didn't know if she should waltz her way out in an unknown area.

Deciding that taking a calm and collected approach would be the best, she hesitantly walked to the entry of the alley placing her hand on the pommel of her sword as she did so. What she didn't expect was a bustling city of odd proportional people stalking the streets along with citizens, who as well had some uniqueness to themselves.

She slowly crept back into the alley, remembering a staircase leading to one of the roofs. When she was next to the stairs, she quickly climbed to the top, and raced to the edge being careful to not fall off.

Peering over the edge, she could see the obvious differences from her home to this place. The 'differences' focusing on the people who kept bustling without a care in the world. Some of them had odd features, and others appeared to be relatively normal in her standards, though she wouldn't be surprised if they as well had hidden unique qualities.

She glanced to her left and saw a rather large structure on top a hill, with two large letters: UA. What they stood for, she had no idea. Though before she became a hunter, she was a scholar learning at a university, so maybe this could be a school.

"Master has asked me to direct you to his location."


After a relatively short bus ride, Sung has found himself in Nezu's office. The office was cozy, a desk was at the end of the room, two sofas faced each other with a table in the middle, and two bookshelves on either side of the room. The table had a plate of cookies resting on it with a steaming pot of tea.

"Please take a seat," Nezu implored. Sung obliged, plopping himself on one of the sofas as Nezu climbed on top of the one opposite of him. "Cookie?"

"Ah, yes please," Sung sighed. He hadn't eaten anything for a while, so he was relieved he could have something whether it be a cookie or chicken. As he munched on a cookie, Nezu started his questions.

"Where are you from, Sung?"

"Not here," he answered after swallowing.

"Mhm, well do you have any family?"

"Yes, my mother and sister."

"What's your quirk?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Your quirk, what's your quirk? I doubt that you were able to defeat all of those villains without one."

"I don't know what a quirk is."

"Ah, well you did say you weren't from here, could you elaborate?"

"I'm not from this world."

Nezu was dumbstruck. He has never heard of someone coming from another world. In this case, then he most definitely  wouldn't have a quirk. "Well that's...interesting. Do you have any powers or abilities?" He asked curiously.

I have quite a few, Sung thought. After he defeated the 'Creator', he didn't know what he was capable of anymore. All he knew was that he could keep getting stronger. So he went with that. "I can keep getting stronger."

Nezu rose an eyebrow questioningly. "My power is to continuously get stronger, it could be unlimited, but I'm not positive on that." Sung elaborated. Nezu was surprised to put it bluntly, though he hid it well. It seemed to be slightly different to All Might's, though he didn't know everything Sung Jin-woo's power had to offer. All Might's quirk increased in strength with each generation, in this case he could assume that Midoriya will surpass All Might. On the other hand, Sung seems capable of storing all of that power. Oh my, I'm ranting aren't I? Nezu mused.

"Here's another question!" Nezu said enthusiastically. "How old are you?"

"I'm 24," Sung replied.

"I'm assuming that you don't have any living arrangements, am I right?" Nezu asked.

"Yes you are," Sung replied again. To be honest, the cookies were really good.

"I'll see if Tsukauchi can arrange a temporary home for you, if that is okay," Nezu asked, though he already had an idea of what Jin-woo's answer will be.

Jin-woo sat there for a minute, contemplating if he should or shouldn't accept this offer. Though, he probably should. This world most likely uses different currency than home's currency, so he'd have to build up money if he wanted to buy his own house. "Yes. Tsukauchi can look for a house for me, AND my friends." Sung made sure to put emphasis on 'and', he didn't want anyone sleeping on the couch or the floor.

"I'll inform Tsukauchi of your requirements for your new home. In the meantime, you can stay in 1 A's dorms, though they're still being built," Nezu informed. He didn't wholly like the idea of a stranger sleeping with his students and teacher, though this man was trust worthy. Nezu was sure of it. 


She was surprised out of her wits. Somehow someone came up behind her without making a sound. Now they're telling her to follow them.

Since she hasn't turned around yet, she slowly faced the man.

She let out a sigh of relief. It was one of his soldiers! And it's going to direct her to him! To be honest, she had no clue on where to go. This world was just so different, even the city wasn't familiar to her.

When the soldier started to walk away from her, she scrambled her way towards it.

Just wait, I'll be at your side again soon, my love.

992 words excluding the upcoming A/N.

A/N Alright readers, I have written a new chapter (WOOHOO) and I hope it's to your liking. Winter break will commence in a couple days, so that could mean more chapters! I as well have completed the main story line of Assassin's Creed Valhalla (pats myself on the back)  in 100 hours, and I have to say that it is a wonderful game and a unexpected ending.
The song has no significant meaning to this chapter, I just like it.
Leave a comment! Correct my mistakes! Have a nice day!

MrDeathWeapon is out

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