The Stranger

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Shinks, shanks, and swishes traveled to the ears of the stunned bystanders. They've never seen a quirk so diverse in their lives, adding questions to the already high stack of questions.

And how he fought! It was like watching a snake slither around it's surroundings, except this snake seemed to have super strength as yet another villain was blown away by a destructive punch.

Though that was only a touch on his abilities, because whenever-which wasn't often-a villain were to attack a blind spot there was always a man to come from the shadows and block the attack. The 'shadows' being the shadows that he created.

This man was none other than Sung Jin-woo if you haven't guessed already.

"No! Why had you have to come?" The man with a hand problem said. "We were going to win!"

"We still have the nomu, Tomura," Kurogiri assured his hot headed companion. "All hope hasn't been lost."

"... You're right...only All Might could best our nomu," Tomura said with glee, finally able to deal with this...person permanently. 

"Bring him out, Kurogiri!" Tomura commanded. No longer than a second later, a portal opened allowing a giant, purple skinned, brain exposed, man with a beak to step through.

As soon as the mutation of a man stepped through, all of the students and teacher tensed. Though Sung Jin-woo stood tall, awaiting the challenge. Whomever this 'All Might' is, they're spoken highly of. Thought Sung Jin-woo, I shouldn't underestimate this...guy.

"Nomu! Kill him!" Tomura shouted while pointing a lanky finger. With that command, Nomu, as they call it, broke out into a sprint directly at Sung Jin-woo. The Nomu was a missile; never taking his eyes off his target. 

Deciding that he should have both of his 'Demon King's Daggers', Sung launched himself at his quickly approaching enemy.

Once they were close enough, they became a blur, passing each other at breakneck speed. Though Nomu didn't come out unscathed, it had a long gash on its right bicep down to the bone, which, to all of the U.A. residents shock, healed exponentially fast.

Sung quickly spun around from facing the villains, Nomu copying his movements. After a couple more times of this, the Nomu's body kept regenerating. If his body regenerates, then what about his eyes and brain? Sung asked himself after his failed attempt to dice the guy. Of course, since the other villains had malicious intent directed at him, they were all dead. Besides a few that is.

With his genius plan, he charged first, which to the U.A. residents was him becoming a blur. Nomu supposedly matching Sung's speed.

Instead of passing, they collided, sending a shock wave blasting past the spectators. Columns of dust billowed around the offenders, blocking everyone's sight.

When the dust cleared, Sung was kneeling on Nomu's chest with two viciously sharp daggers in its brain. The winner was obvious. To be was a lot easi-


The doors of the U.S.J blasted open. Silhouettes of various sizes stridden in, practically oozing confidence. The lead of the silhouettes stepped a step ahead the others, then boomed,

"Fear not students! For we are here!"

"All Might!" Class 1-A shouted instantaneously, even though they were a tad late, the arrival of Tenya and the roster of teachers majorly boosted the hopes of the entire class.

All Might bent his knees, readying himself for a quick mop up. After noting how many villains were still standing, All Might blasted off the stairs landing, reappearing ahead of five villains flying in the air after his descent. 

"Kurogiri! Get us out of here!" Tomura shouted quickly, realizing the odds have stacked high against him, he had to high tail this attempt. "Remember that the League of Villains did this." He said ominously, directing the statement to his enemies.

Before he could enter the portal Kurogiri created he was caught mid stride by two bullets whizzing right into his right elbow and left knee. He fell to the ground screaming in pain as Kurogiri redirected the portal beneath Tomura. Allowing them to escape before another two bullets could strike Tomura.

As this took place, the teachers helped the students leave the U.S.J, excluding the principal, All Might, and Cementoss. They stayed behind to question their temporary ally.

"I guess we should say thank you for helping our students," All Might proclaimed. Sung Jin-woo could elicit that this man is All Might. The students seemed to be quite relieved when he showed up, along with the other teachers.

He looked up to the quite tall man,"I'm assuming you're All Might?" He had to be sure before making assumptions.

"Yes, since you know who I am, may I know who you are?" All Might questioned back. He didn't know this man from either America or Japan, and that didn't settle well with him. All Might had to fight his own fair share of unknowns, so he wasn't very comfortable being near someone he didn't know.

"That's only fair," Sung replied. "I'm Sung Jin-woo." He wanted to be on the good side of these heroes after all. He didn't know when he'll be able to get back to his own world. Though he was worried, worried about the others that came with him. Sung had begrudgingly allowed two of his friends to tag along into the gate, and he didn't plan on leaving them here...where ever 'here' was.

The bear, mouse...thing, whichever you prefer, started talking, "I am the principal of U.A., and I would be delighted if you joined me for a cup of tea and chat." He stopped for a moment, then continued, "You can call me Nezu." He as well wanted to get to know Sung Jin-woo. After all he did save his students and a couple of his teachers.

"I will take you up on the offer, Nezu." Replied Sung, it wasn't just the fact that drinking tea and having a chat sounded nice, but he'll be able to clear his thoughts.

A lot has happened.

A/N leave a comment, review, and have a good day!

1,004 words excluding the A/N

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