Bitter Reunions (2)

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Hand in unlovable hand.


"You can see her?" The killer intent seemed to disappear into thin air.  In the forest Sasuke stood, for the first time in years, unable to move or to think about anything besides the little girl that was hugging him. From Naruto's baffled look or the confusion written clear as day on his teammates' face, Sasuke could not produce a feasible answer.

Having no reply but the Uchiha's silence, Suigetsu spoke up for the first time in what felt like eons.

"WHAT?" The shrill of his voice rang out loud, exasperation and concern. "There is literally nothing there! He's...They...wha-KAI!" He shouted, focusing his chakra. "Kai! Kai! Ka-"

"Fuck off shark teeth," Naruto seethed, "or I'll shove my fist down your throat."

"You can try." Hozuki smirked, earning a prompt smack on his head from Karin. "Idiot-be quiet!"

"Girl," Suigetsu pointed to Naruto,"the Looney bin called-they want their patient back-ow that hURTS-"

"If you don't stop," the temperature seemed to drop and everyone slowly met Sasuke's dead eyes, "I will make you."

"That was mean Sasuke-kun." His attention was snagged by the little petite, she scrunched her nose and shook her head, "meanie."

At his silence she whined, "why won't you say anything? You're like a wall!" Huffing she smacked his stomach lightly.

Sasuke looked at his old teammate, "they can't see her?"

"It looks like it."

"Not quite," Karin took a tentative step forward, "I can't see her but I can still feel her..."

At the boys silence from her confession, Karin took a deep breath, "if I try hard enough, I can sense her chakra-though it's kinda faint and flickers sometimes," Naruto's gaze peered at her intently,"'s very calm and kind...I think."

The red head bent down slowly, looking in the direction of where Sakura was. The little girl too staring at her with astonishment and warmth. "Hello," She murmured gently, a small smile plastered on her face.

Sakura gave a toothy grin, "Hello, Karin-san."

And with the slight fluctuation of her chakra, Karin knew she was happy. With a sigh Naruto stood up, stretching and dusting off his clothes, marveling at the torn fabric. The adrenaline slowly fading and the dull throb of pain coming from his chest seemed to grow. Suijetsu's guard never dropped, always staring at the Uzumaki with poorly concealed curiosity. 

A new silence befell the group, the intent to fight long reduced to weary glances and tense bodies. They stood in the clearing for what seemed like hours(but was only two minutes) before Suijetsu decided to speak up. 

"So..." He began, staring at the empty space that both Karin and Sasuke was staring at. "What do we do now? Do we fight? Or-"

"There's no need to," Sasuke replied, his charcoal eyes rose to meet Naruto's, "we don't need to."

Naruto exhaled loudly, turning to face the direction of the trees, "let's go Sakura."

He cast a side glance Sasuke's way, "The next time we meet,"

"There will be only one victor." Sasuke narrowed his eyes, aware of this little girl that ran after his ex teammate.


What do you think is gonna happen next?

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