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The constant fear only served as a reminder of his goal.


The clouds covered the sky like a blanket, shielding the burning glare of the sun. Thunder clapped feverishly throughout the air as the rain belted down like senbon, pricking their skin and sending jolts of shock throughout their cold, shivering bodies. They moved stealthily with a speed unseeing through the naked eye. A flicker of color was all you'd ever see from the trees.

Sasuke both loved and hated the silence that would usually befall his teammates when they were travelling. On one end, their silence offered him a soothing loneliness akin to that of home. And on the other hand it brought back morbid memories and strange thoughts.

And they were all caused by one man.

One man alone was all it took for Sasuke's little world to crumble. One man had burdened him with this flame of anguish. And yet it was the same person that used to cradle him until he fell asleep. The same individual that would tell him stories, depicting tales of the cosmos. His brother. His brother that he adored so, so much.

Itachi Uchiha was his name.

Sometimes his mind wandered. Far, far away. To a woman with pink hair and fierce green eyes. Green eyes that became jaded. The teammate he mocked and the girl he left on a bench three years ago.

Sasuke always made sure to keep the newest copy of the bingo book with him at all times. So when her name vanished from the pages two years ago, he knew exactly what happened.

He told himself that he didn't care. Who would? She was naive, weak. Yet she occupied his dreams, her rosy lips always curving to a soft smile, right before she gazed at him with fondness. Right before images of his parents being slaughtered. It was a cruel, fickle thing. His mind. Tormenting him in hopes he'd succumb.

Sakura was like Itachi in a way. They both had big hearts and gentle hands. Their love for him had remained within his beating, bruised heart. Gentle souls they were.

That's why he still couldn't believe that she left so soon. And why Itachi did this? Perhaps it was the vision that prompted him to question it. But the more he thought, the less he believed.

There was no way that Itachi would just massacre his family. Sweet, gentle Itachi, his pacifist brother, left his otouto to shake in his bed. Petrified about the bright red eyes that swirled to life with promises of pain.

Sasuke's pushed more chakra to his feet, a new found determination burning within his obsidian eyes.

What are you hiding, Itachi?

"Oi Sasuke slow down a little will ya!"


I'm deeply sorry about not updating. The time moved slower and slower as each day passed by. And the lines of unconscious and unconscious became blurred to me. There were times where I would stand in one place and stare off into space, thinking of nothing in particular. I simply didn't have the motivation to write or even exist.

I know I left you all on a cliffhanger and everyone that followed along with this plot deserves some answers. I'm sorry. I'll try to update more often now.


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