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A soul was split into two parts, she believed. And for the rest of it's life, it will seek for the other half.


The first thing she woke up to was a blank ceiling and numbness in her body. Her eyes scanned the area, her fingers and toes flexing. She vaguely remembered blacking out at the very end of the jutsu. And the fact that she was awake meant that it worked.

Or it went horribly wrong. But considering that there was no feeling, she ruled the latter out.

Slowly, her hand lifted from the hard surface; she looked at it in awe. Clenching and unclenching her hand, she stared the little sapphire patterns engraved into the porcelain, blinking. They glittered. She raised up and stared ahead at the blank wall.

She arched her back, stretching, cracking, testing her new body. Tenten had done it. The operation was a success.

The door was slammed open and her unblinking eyes came face to face with her parents. Her father's face was twisted into a terrified expression. His body trembled with fear-she supposed, her vision was still a little hazy due to her low chakra.

Her mother fell to her knees in shock, her bottom lip quivered and her big brown eyes as wide as saucers as they stared at her.

"Where...Where-What happened to Tenten?"

The robot stared at them with cold, calculating eyes that sent a shiver down their spines. "I am Tenten, father." Her apathetic voice drawled out.

Those pesky humans took a step backwards, clutching each other's hands. Tenten clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"There is no use for you anymore."

Fragments (Sequel to Dollface)Where stories live. Discover now