Chapter 8: Surprise!

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The following morning, Kensi was told she could leave the hospital, but to be very cautious of what's going on around her.

Nurse: "Ms Blye, you are free to go

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Nurse: "Ms Blye, you are free to go. We will call you when your blood test comes back to make sure everything is okay. I suggest you take a few days off work"
K: "thank you so much"
D: *looking at the nurse weirdly* "ooh thank you nurse... umm"
Nurse: "Debbie"
D: "nurse dEbBiE, tHaNkS"
K: "okay come on Deeks enough with the nurses now. I'm sorry it's like looking after a jungle cat..."
Nurse: "no worries, take care!"

Deeks and Kensi leave the hospital in relief, making their way to Ops.
K: "what is it with you and nurses!? Honestly!"
D: "what!? I like the nurses, they save people!"
K: "okay and!?"
D: "and... there's nothing more to it!"
K: *laughing*
D: "what!?"
K: *singing* "you have a thing for nurrrrses! You have a thing for nurrrsses!"
D: "okay that's enough little miss lullaby that's enough"

Meanwhile, Sam and Callen make their way up to ops from the boatshed after having a talk with the DOJ, who had put Kessler in County Prison for life, and he was due to be executed in a few months because he'd committed a big crime

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Meanwhile, Sam and Callen make their way up to ops from the boatshed after having a talk with the DOJ, who had put Kessler in County Prison for life, and he was due to be executed in a few months because he'd committed a big crime. Nell updated them both with the latest cases, which weren't big ones, just old recalled cases.

S: "Okay that's cool. You heard from Deeks?"
N: "Errhhh no I haven't, but I'm pretty sure he's at the hospital"
C: "Eric could you ping his cell?"
E: "on it"
*hetty walking in on everyone again*
H: "Ahhh, Mr Beale, no need to, Deeks and Kensi are round the block and on their way"
N: "Kensi's coming back?"
H: "uh... yes I suppose she is"

Deeks and Kensi both walk into ops, ready to start the day.

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Densi - Baby Blye Deeks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora