Chapter 11: Its Time!

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A few more months pass, and Kensi is told to go on maternity leave.
K: "well... I guess this is it! Hopefully, unless I come to visit, next time I come I'll have the little one with me!!"
N: "awww good luck girl!! I can't wait to see your baby!!"
C: "you know what Deeks?"
D: "oh... what nowww..."
C: "I can't believe you didn't tell us the gender"
K: "that's for us to know and for you to find out!"
S: "I guess we will see you on the other side then!"
K: "yep! Be safe guys!"
N: "you too!"
Everyone hugs Kensi lightly before her and Deeks head home to chill out before Deeks goes back to work in the evening. Kensi goes in and goes to bed as she's really tired, while Deeks sits in the living room eating bulgogi and watching a film.

One morning just after Deeks had left for work, Kensi woke up. She went downstairs to go get something to eat, took a shower and got ready to go out. Because her girl could come any day now, it was a risky decision. She decided to go to ops to go and check in with everyone, as she'd got bored at home alone all day, even though Deeks was on shorter shifts. Soon enough, Kensi pulls up outside.

E: *to nell and watching the cctv* "umm is that Kensi's car?"
N: "what is she doing here!? She hasn't had her baby right? Deeks would have gone home!?"
E: "we should tell Deeks"
N: "wait... I'll go see. Cover me for a second, I'll be back"
E: "sure"
Nell makes her way down stairs, meeting Kensi by her desk.
N: "Kensi! What are you doing here!? You should be at home!"
K: *holding her stomach and her back as she's suddenly in pain* "ohhh noooo I just came to say hi, it's so boring at home alone!"
N: "shall we call Deeks?"
K: "no, don't worry, don't bother him"

As Kensi goes to sit down on her chair, she gets a sudden pain run down her back. She screeches slightly, but insists that everything is okay and says that her waters haven't broke- but Kensi took a shower this morning- and she didn't know they had broken.
N: "oh my- Kensi-"
K: "no Nell you don't have to-"
H: "Mrs Blye! What are you doing here!? You should be at home! Your baby could come any day soon!!"
K: "I just wanted to say h-"
H: "no no no no no! No excuses! Miss Jones, please call Deeks and bring him here"
Kensi starts to get up, but realises she can't.
N: "I'll- call an ambulance-"

Nell rushes up to ops while Hetty helps Kensi over to the couch, and clears the space around to help Kensi feel comfortable. Kensi is screaming in pain, and says she has to push! She was about to have her baby- AT WORK!
Nell comes back down and says Deeks is on his way and an ambulance following behind, and Hetty asks Nell to go and get some clean towels from the gym lockers. When she comes back, Kensi is holding on to Hetty, almost squishing her! Hetty is trying to keep Kensi calm before the ambulance arrives. Soon enough, Deeks turns up and the Ambulance crew follow him in with a stretcher and take her to hospital. But it's too late!
D: "oh my gosh Kensi why aren't you at HOME!?"
Deeks holds into Kensi's hand while the paramedics try to move her.

The paramedics try to take her to hospital, but they figured by the time they put her in the ambulance, she'd have had her baby. Hetty was already on the job, and in the nick of time, she had delivered Kensi's baby!
H: "oh! My, Kensi, it's a girl!"
She passes Kensi the baby, the paramedics take over the rest and Deeks goes with her to the hospital.
N: "awwww! That was eventful!"
Eric is standing next to Nell, as pale as the whitest shade of white, asking himself what the frick just happened.

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