Chapter 7: Recovery

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Deeks stays with Kensi that evening at the hospital and is there by her side.
K: *opening her eyes* "d... Deeks?"
D: "hey, hey. There she is, that's my girl. How are you feeling?"

K: *trying to crack a smile* "pretty crap if I'm being honest"

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K: *trying to crack a smile* "pretty crap if I'm being honest"

A nurse walks in with a clipboard and a pen.
Nurse: "mr and mrs Deeks, we have some results"
D: "is everything okay?"
Nurse: "as a matter of fact, yes. We've run some tests to make sure everything's alright, Mrs Deeks -
K: *butting in* "Blye- please... it's more familiar to people"
Nurse: "Mrs Blye.... sorry. Anyway, there's a small fracture in your bottom left rib, that should heal quickly, minor bruises to your nose and a strained wrist which should also heal quick. But, you have suffered a severe concussion from the head injury, so we have decided to do some extra scans and tests to make sure there isn't and bleeding from the brain to avoid seizures or a coma."
K: "oh okay... thank you"
Nurse: "we will need a urine sample first, so when you're ready just press the buzzer next to you and I'll come back to take it from you. Also, have you had any other medical changes recently?"
K: "no not really, other than a third treatment of IVF..."
Nurse: "okay thank you. Just checking the paperwork is up to date."

The nurse nods her head and walks off, and Deeks gives Kensi a smile.
D: "pretty nice nurse huh?"
K: *laughing* "you like nurses don't you"
D: "what? No! I just... like how they look you know... they save lives, but come on, that nurse was pretty sexy though"
K: *smiling* "I think you have the concussion"
D: "no, I just think you would be a pretty sexy nurse"
K: "never. I could barely be a nurse, I minored in lobotomy! Let alone all the others!"
D: "clearly majored in bother-me though!"
K: *slaps deeks* "hey!"

Deeks and Kensi are laughing, and Callen and Sam come into the room.
S: "you cheered up quick then"
K: "hey! Guys, what are you doing here?"
C: "well, you know, just coming to check up on you both, making sure everything is okay."
D: "any news on Kessler?"
C: "he's been taken to a psychiatric hospital where he'll be locked away until he learns for the best"
K: "but... for how long?"
S: "well, it depends. If the DOJ read your statements from the case before and then review what happened today... then possibly the rest of his life"
D: "thank god."
C: "sorry for the quick stop, Me and Sam are going for drinks. Deeks you coming?"
D: "nah I'm good. I'll stay here. I'll see you guys tomorrow"
K: "bye!"
S: "get well soon!"

Sam and Callen leave to head home, and Kensi gives a sigh of relief as she's finally able to get her life on with properly again... for now?

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