Chapter 13: A New Life

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After quite a few months at home (with Athena now 8 months old), Kensi was getting pretty annoyed that she hadn't been working a lot

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After quite a few months at home (with Athena now 8 months old), Kensi was getting pretty annoyed that she hadn't been working a lot. All she could do was sit at home on her laptop and review the cases that everyone else was working on, while Deeks was working part time at NCIS. Kensi would stay home and look after Athena, as well as Monty, and try to stay calm when both Deeks' mum and her own mum was round. Deeks would work part time so he could come home and greet the girls.

One morning, Deeks woke up early ready to go to work, and Athena was crying.

D: *walking over to the crib* "hey, hey, oh baby don't cry, whats wronggg"
K: *half asleep* "you do know she can't talk right?"
D: *laughing* "touché. Did you know she was crying!?"
K: "ugh I was up until 4am this morning, I gave her some milk and some baby food and burped her and changed her diaper an-"
D: "okay okay okay I get it it's okay ive got this"

Deeks takes Athena out of her crib and sits in the floor with her on his lap and starts to pull faces, making her smile.

Kensi sits up in bed, while Deeks and Athena are sat on the floor

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Kensi sits up in bed, while Deeks and Athena are sat on the floor. Deeks stares in her big, bright blue eyes, with his hand covering the whole back of her head as she looks back up at her dad. Kensi smiles from behind and says, "this is amazing". Deeks turns and smiles beginning to tear up, explaining how much he's wanted this all his life and he'd give everything he had to make sure Athena grew up in a happy childhood. Kensi agrees, walks over and gives him a kiss. "You're going to be a great dad, okay. Don't worry about it". Deeks stands up, passing Athena to Kensi, who go into the living room while Deeks gets ready for work. Kensi puts Athena in her play pen in the corner of the room and passes her her toys, while Kensi goes to get some breakfast. Deeks comes in, makes himself a breakfast shake and puts his shoes on.
K: "ummm Deeks?"
D: "yeah?"
K: "do you know when I'll be back at work?"
D: *standing up* "I uhh.... I don't, no"
K: "could you ask Hetty for me?"
D: "I'll try. But baby you gotta stay and look after our little miracle okay? I'll be home as soon as possible, I promise"
Kensi smiles, while Deeks walks out the door.
K: "Deeks?"
D: "yeah"
K: "be safe"
D: "always"
Kensi returns to the sofa eating kronuts and protein bars, with a glass of orange juice and watches her little one try to move around and crawl. She smiles slightly and sips her juice, wondering who her little girl would grow up to be.

Densi - Baby Blye Deeks Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt