Chapter 5 - The Chase

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A little later, in the dark night and in the middle of the snow-covered pine forest, Sven was galloping as fast as possible, pulling behind him the sled in which the trio were in. Kristoff held the bridle, driving his sled with perfect control. Anna was sitting next to him in the front and Muradin was sitting behind. The dwarf remained silent, his hands within reach of his weapons and constantly on his guard, looking around as if to watch the forest.

_ "So tell me ... what made the queen go all ice-crazy?" Kristoff asked, breaking the silence that had been in place for several minutes.

_ "Oh, uh ... well, it was all my fault ..." Anna replied, a little ashamed. "I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him, you know, that day, and she said she would'nt bless the marriage and..."

Kristoff seemed puzzled at the young woman's explanations. Muradin, having listened vaguely, gently shook his head, sighing under his breath.

_ "Wait ... you got engaged to someone you just met that day?" Kristoff asked, unable to believe what he had just heard.

Anna and Kristoff started an increasingly heated argument, the young man pointing out to the princess that she should learn to be more wary of strangers, but Anna seemed to want absolutely to defend this prince named Hans whom she had fallen in love with. Sitting in the back of the sleigh, Muradin listened to the duo arguing almost like an old couple, and it made him roll his eyes. Ah humans, he thought ...

Suddenly the dwarf changed his attitude, seeming to have heard something in the forest. Sven the reindeer seemed to have sensed it too, having slowed down and looking around worriedly.

_"What is happening?" Anna asked, but Kristoff motioned for her to be silent and with his lantern, lit up the night to try and see something. In the sleigh, Muradin grasped his hammer and ax firmly, his gaze darkening. A familiar shiver ran through his back.

_ "We have to go, now ..." the dwarf muttered under his breath, his gaze turning to behind the sled. Kristoff looked back, lighting up with the lantern. About twenty meters behind the sled, a dozen quadrupedal figures gradually emerged from the darkness, walking between the trees and approaching. Their blue eyes gleamed in the night and beastly growls were heard.

_ "Sven, go!" Kristoff yelled immediately, to which, the reindeer obeyed and began to gallop as fast as possible. Anna and Muradin clung together so as not to fall. Immediately, the blue-eyed creatures roared in unison and set off in pursuit of their fleeing prey.

_"What is that?" Anna asked in panic.

_"Wolves!" Kristoff replied. But Muradin was not so convinced.

_ "They are not simple wolves ..." said the dwarf, standing at the back of the sled and taking his weapons, ready for battle, to the great amazement of the duo.

With abnormal speed, the predatory creatures approached from both sides, gradually encircling the fleeing sled. Seeing them appear in the lantern light, Anna and Kristoff were horrified by what they saw. These wolves, with white furs and eyes like blue flames, had bloody and decayed bodies. Some of them didn't even have any flesh on their heads, their skulls completely bare. One of the wolves had its body completely open, showing its ribs and rotten organs inside.

_"Oh my god!" yelled Anna in horror. A wolf roars and leaps powerfully towards the sled, its jaw ready to bite anything that comes within its reach. Muradin let out a war cry and hit the creature with his hammer, exploding the skull in pieces and pushing back the body which fell heavily in the snow. However, another wolf had also jumped up and managed to reach the dwarf. Unarmed and blocked, Muradin struggled fiercely against the wolf in the back of the sled, blocking its jaws with one arm to prevent it from biting and punching it hard with the other hand to try to push it back.

Frozen: Wrath of the Lich King (Elsa / Arthas - Frozen / World of Warcraft)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat