Chapter 3 - The Choice

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_ "What is it? Snow?"

The inhabitants gazed curiously at the rain of snowflakes which was slowly starting to fall on the region. As Queen Elsa had fled and ice gradually covered Arendelle and the fjord, the temperature began to drop abnormally. Anna and Hans had both returned to the castle courtyard, and feeling the cold begin to cover them.

_ "Are you alright?" Hans asked the princess, seeing her rub her shoulders to warm herself up a bit.

_"No." she answered sincerely.

_ "Did you know ... about ...?" the prince then asked, but again Anna answered him no. Anna and Hans walked over to the Duke and his bodyguards. Weselton's little old man was also starting to panic seriously.

_ "Look! It's snowing!" cried the duke, contemplating with fear the snow falling from the sky "... The queen has cursed this land! She must be stopped! You must go after her!" he started to tell his guards.

_ "Wait, no!" Anna interposed before such a proposal. The duke then looked at her with great suspicion.

_ "You! Is there sorcery in you, too? Are you a monster, too?" asked the duke, hiding behind his two guards, who also showed suspicious looks. Anna was outraged at such a suspicion and immediately defended herself.

_ "No. I am completely ordinary."

_ "That's right, she is." then affirmed Hans, coming to support the Princess of Arendelle. "In the best way." he added for clarification. Anna smiled at him, silently thanking him for his support.

_ "My sister is not a monster!" Anna said in defense. But that did not prevent the Duke from insisting on the serious accusation against Queen Elsa.

_ "She nearly killed me!" shouted the little man from Weselton.

_ "Come on, you slipped on ice." Hans replied.

_ "Her ice!" added the duke heavily. Anna had had enough and interrupted their conversation.

_ "It was an accident. She was scared. She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this..."

The duke huffed, rolling his eyes, not at all convinced by Anna's explanation. But the princess did not care what he thought and continued to speak, and going so far as to denounce what was for her, the real culprit of this catastrophe.

_ "Tonight was my fault ..." Anna said with conviction, to Hans's surprise "... I pushed her. So I'm the one who needs to go after her ... bring me my horse, please."

_ "What?" Hans said, astonished, as the Duke seemed to approve of the idea. Anna walked without delay to the servant who brought her a horse saddled and ready to go. Hans, however, ran to the princess to hold her back.

_ "Anna, no, it's too dangerous."

_ "Elsa is not dangerous ..." Anna replied, touched by Hans' concern "... i'll bring her back, and I'll make this right ... and you, Prince Hans, must stay here, to take care of Arendelle."

_ "On my honor, I'll do it." Hans said to her. Anna smiled, trusting him, and mounted her white horse, covering herself in a green winter cloak to protect herself from the cold.

_ "I leave Prince Hans in charge!" cried the young princess to the inhabitants, as a final order from her. People around were taken aback, but said nothing to contradict this order.

_ "Are you sure you can trust her?" Hans asked, really worried and not wanting Anna to go alone on this crazy quest.

_ "She is my sister. She would never hurt me." Anna said to reassure him. Though Hans wasn't convinced, he respected Anna's choice and stepped aside. Slamming the horse's bridle, Anna then set off at a gallop, leaving the courtyard of the castle and beginning her journey to rescue her sister.

Frozen: Wrath of the Lich King (Elsa / Arthas - Frozen / World of Warcraft)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat