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T/W: mentions of drugs, un-consenual touching


Miles and I got back from horse riding and I stayed away from him for the afternoon "Y/n, I'm hungry can I have a snack?" Flora asks "of course what would you like?" I ask "Cheese and crackers" "okay"

I got some cheese and crackers out and handed it over to Flora "thank you" she says "you're welcome" I smile. "You're really nice, I want you to live here forever" she says "awe thank you but I'm only here temporarily" I say "I know" she frowns.

"You want me to put a movie on?" I ask "yeah, frozen please!" She says, I put on Frozen and sat down on the couch and started doing some schoolwork.

I heard a loud noise from upstairs, it was Miles playing the drums, ugh. I got up from the couch and walked to his room.

"Can you be a little quieter?" I ask "no" he says and banged his drums super loud. "Anyways since I got your attention, help me with my homework." He says "Why so you just lash out at me again" I mumble "you say something?" He asks "no, I just have my own work to do"

"Well you have to help me, you're the babysitter" he says. "Oh is that so? Then maybe I'll make you go to bed early" I say. Miles stayed quiet, I smiled to myself and left the room.

"Y/n, wait I'm sorry" Miles says, I stopped walking, I turned around to him and raised my eyebrows "Keep going" I say

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier I'm going through... stuff?" He says "Well I appreciate your apology now if you excuse me I'm going to do my job" I say

I walk away and continued to do my schoolwork "Y/n what would you like to eat?" Ms.Grose asks "Anything is fine" I say

(Mini Time Skip)

"Dinner's ready" Ms.Grose says, Flora and I sat at the table and Miles came down "This looks good Ms.Grose, thank you" I say

We began to eat and Miles kept glancing at over at me, I felt a bit uncomfortable but I'm always feeling uncomfortable in this house.

"I'm going to get some water" I say and get up "me too" Miles says.


While y/n wasn't looking I slipped a pill in her drink and shook it around a bit to let it dissolve. I switched our drinks so she doesn't get the normal one.

I got my drink and sat back down at the table and watched y/n as she drank the water good job Miles


I felt a little light headed but continued to eat. I drank my water and tried to ignore the pain. "I'm going to lie down for a bit, I'm not feeling well" I got up and walked to my room.

I went to the bathroom and tried to throw up, "Y/n you okay?" I heard. I looked up saw Miles "hm? Yeah I'm okay" I say, I got up and walked to my bed.

"Y/n" Miles says, Before I could say anything I felt Miles' lips on mine.

It felt nice but I can't do that. I pushed Miles off "Miles what are you doing!" I say "Just shut up" he says, he kissed me again and I tried to pull away but he pulled me closer.

"Miles stop!" I say, he pushed me on my bed and pinned me against it "Miles please stop!" I began to cry and tried to push him off.

It felt like my brother all over again. "Miles get off me!" I started to cry. "Wait" he says, I kicked him in the balls and his grip went loose and I sat on my bed sobbing.

"No! Leave me alone! I tried okay!" Miles says, "Stop! You made me drug her!" He yells "you drugged me?! What the hell is wrong with you! who the fuck does that!" I yelled

"I'm sorry he made me do it!" He says "who?" I ask "You won't understand!" He yells "FUCK OFF!" he yells, he grabbed hair and leaned against the wall.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled, he started crying and pulled on his hair. "Miles what's wrong?" I ask "nothing" he says "You're crazy" I s

I went into the bathroom and slid down the walls and sobbed into my lap. I've been fucking drugged.

(✓) 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 Where stories live. Discover now