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I'm not sure how many people will see this or who are still around but I've decided to start writing again!

Covid has meant that 2020 has been a rubbish year. Two UK total lockdowns and probably more still to come! I've decided to get back in the swing of things with writing mainly because I'm bored but also because I miss it and want something to focus on!

So let me know what everyone's thinking!

I'm thinking about continuing this book (The Vamps Preferences) so let me know chapter ideas and imagine ideas!

I also have the NFL Preferences that I got bored off very quick (oops!) So I'm thinking about starting doing that again.

I have a second account which I'm trying to keep private and disconnected from this account where I'm writing something completely different! I've published a few chapters but I've been working on it for the past year so the majority of it is done!

Finally, I've come up with a new idea if anyone is interested! I'd love to work in partnership with someone either on my account or theirs. My idea was to write a story but take it in turns writing a chapter. I don't know if I can explain it well. But we'd basically alternate writing chapters so the story could go in any direction. I can't explain it! But let me know if you're interested!

Katie xxx

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