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Hiiiiiiii to everyone who is still hanging around!!!

It's just a quick update of things that are going on at the moment!!

I've recently started college like a few of you have and I'm finding the transition in level of work quite hard!! If anyone wants to know I'm doing, I'm studying: A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Maths!! Fun!!

What are you guys doing if you've just started GCSE or A-Level??


I HAVE TWITTER! Finally!! So if you want to follow me (I'm private) my name is 1536katie but please comment your Twitter name on here before you follow me so that I know who you are and then I will accept!!!

Also there might be some exciting things coming up... All thanks to the actual Wattpad Team!!

(Put emphasis on the might as it might not happen yet!!) I feel like one of those YouTubers that has to keep everything a secret!!!

Thank you for continually sticking around and being supportive. You really don't know how much it means to me!!

Random question: Is anyone from Preston, U.K. (If you are DM me!!!)

Katie xxx

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