Louis Tomlinson prank gone too far

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Requested by: Rayofsunshine_1d. Hope you enjoy!

Louis loves to play pranks on his friends. Mostly, they're harmless little pranks, like Whoopee cushions, fake spiders, making the boys look at something that's not there, etc. But today he decided to do really annoying pranks.

"Right, prank 1. Liam. Hmmm...... got it!" Louis sats to himself, smiling an evil smile.

Louis slips his shoes on, puts his coat on and grabs his keys and wallet. He then leaves the house and gets in his car, driving off to the shops.

He enters the shop and grabs 10 packs of balloons. Each pack holds 60 ballons. So, that's 600 balloons all together. He pays for them and leaves. This is gonna be great!

Once he arrives home he checks to make sure Liam isnt in his room. Hes not. Perfect.

Turns out, Liam is actually on a date with girl he's been talking to recently. This gives Louis plenty of time to blow up all the balloons and leave them in Liam's bedroom.

2 hours later, all the balloons were blown up and scattered around Liam's room. You literally couldn't see the floor or his bed.

Louis takes one more look and laughs,taking a quick photo. He leaves to room, closing the door behind him.

Next, Niall. Well, just mess with his food. This is too easy.

Louis grabs the toothpaste from his bathroom and then heads downstairs and gets the oreos.

"Toothpaste inside the oreos." Louis says chuckling to himself.

He puts 4 toothpaste filled oreos on a plate and brings to Niall who is in the living room watching TV.

"Hey, Ni. I bought you some oreos. I know you love them." Louis sats trying not to smile.

"Really? Awww, thanks Lou." Niall says taking the plate and taking a bite into one of the biscuits.

"EWWWW!!!!!" Niall screeches spitting the biscuit out of his mouth and jumping up to get water.

The paste of oreos fell to the floor and Louis was laughing so much, he couldnt even stand up. He fell to his knees and was bright red from laughter. His stomach started to hurt.

"Not funny!" Niall yells as he takes another sip of his glass of water.

"It is." Louis says as he calms down from laughing so much.

Next is..... Oh yeah, Harry. This should very good.

Louis heads off to his bathroom and find the bucket he uses when he's sick under the sink.

He heads downstairs and heads downstairs the basement and grabs all the slime he's made over the years. He pours all of them into the bucket. Its filled up to the very top.

Harry was currently in the bathroom having a shower, so Louis placed the bucket on top of his door and hid in his closet, he door opened slightly so he can see what happens.

17 minutes later, Harry exits the shower. He was fully dressed and his little curls were all over the place.

He opens his door open, because it was closed to. He then got the bucket of slime all over him!

"Ewww, what's this?" Harry asks confused and fkapping his arms about and shaking his head.

Louid couldnt contain his laughter. He excited the closet laughing hysterically and pointing at Harry.

"You got pranked!" He yells through his laughter.

"Its not funny! I just showered." Harry says annoyed at Louis.

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