The Stars

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Piper's smile was cold, so much colder than the real Piper's. And to think I poured my heart out to a eidolon, Annabeth thought. Nico twitched on the ground, but there was no hope for him. The pool of blood was too big.

Annabeth and Percy instinctively moved closer together, they had to fight together to beat Piper.

"You two overpowered my companion," Piper droned, "but I won't go down that easily." She paused. "In fact, I only need to kill one of you. You can't fly this ship on your own, can you Percy? No. You need your captain." The eidolon turned its golden gaze on Annabeth. "So she must die." Before Annabeth even registered what she said, Piper sprang forward.

Piper caught Annabeth in a full body tackle, slamming Annabeth back against the wall. Piper pinned her and forced the knife downwards, held back by Annabth's forearm. Annabeth strained against Piper, her shoulder burning as she fought back. Nico's blood on the knife was just inches from her face when Percy yanked Piper off her.

Percy ripped a blue wire out the wall and wrapped it around the eidolon's neck, their helmets clanking together. Annabeth caught her breath and stood, using the wall for support. But Piper twisted in Percy's grip and kneed him the crotch, forcing him to double over. Piper kicked him in the midsection and drew her knife.

"Percy!" Ananbeth cried, hoping to distract Piper. Unfortunately, it worked. Piper smiled and threw the knife straight at Annabeth, lodging in her shoulder. Ananbeth gasped and grabbed at her shoulder, the knife hilt-deep. She sunk to her knees, shoulder on fire, as she tried to blink the black spots out of her eyes. Medically speaking, she was supposed to leave the knife in. To remove it could increase the danger of bleeding out. But she couldn't fight with a knife in her shoulder, right? Tears blurred her vision as the eidolon approached, in no hurry to finish her off now. That's their flaw, Annabeth realized. They were sneaky but not methodical. They were dramatic and enjoyed suffering. If the eidolon was smart it would have killed Percy when he was down.

Tears pricked her eyes, blurring her vision as Piper stepped closer, her pink spacesuit a blob. Warm blood oozed down Annabeth's arm as she tightened her grip on the knife. Wait, she thought, wait.
When Piper was directly in front of her, Annabeth acted. Ripping the knife from her shoulder, she sprang to her feet and tackled Piper, sending them crashing to the floor. The knife skittered out of Annabeth's hand and she bit back a scream as the impact jarred her shoulder, her vision black at the edges. The eidolon, clearly surprised, was limp for a moment. Then it reacted, twisting beneath her and shoving her off. Annabeth had little strength to resist, letting her momentum carry her further away.

By that time, Percy had gotten up and was staggering back towards the eidolon, pausing to rip the metal wire cover off its hinges. Ananbeth knew that meant she had to keep the eidolon distracted. She reached in her pocket and yanked out her favorite wrench. The eidolon snarled and got to its feet, rage in Piper's eyes. Thankful it was her left shoulder that was injured, Annabeth hurled the wrench end-over-end smacked the eidolon right in the faceplate. The eidolon stumbled back, a spiderweb of cracks down it's helmet.

That was when Percy chose to strike. He heaved the metal door over his head and brought it down with force, sending the eidolon flying into the wall. It lay there crumpled and unmoving, and Percy rushed to Annabeth's side.

"Oh my god, your shoulder!"

Annabeth grimaced and leaned back against the wall. "It's fine. Is it dead?"

"It's not fine! You're bleeding all over the place." Percy ripped a piece of cloth from his pocket. "We also need to patch up your suit. I- I think you need stitches or, or tape that's a lot of blood."

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