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"It's your birthday, princess.. did you forget?" Elijah chuckles, snaking his arms around my waist. I smile brightly leaning my head on his chest. "No... No, I didn't forget." It's hard to celebrate your birthday when all you think about is your age and then your mind wanders to their ages also...

I feel like they're too old for me, but in a way, I feel like we can accept the age gap, and move on into something more serious. But with Amelia, I'm not so sure I can even go out in public with them anymore.

Even if we showcased to everyone we were just close friends, who knew each other since we were babies, everyone would get the wrong idea. Including Amelia, now that would be a nightmare.

I never met Amelia before, but from what everyone has told me about her.. she's a real cunt. Not only is she a cunt for taking my men, but for disrespecting me.

She called me a whore, that's what Courtney said anyways. Courtney and she are "friends" supposedly. "You can now, legally drink." They laugh. "I know. Courtney is taking me to a nightclub, she said I didn't have to drink if I didn't want to.

I'm not gonna drink so don't worry." They nod. "We're picking you up around 2 AM, if we see you drunk I swear to god." "I won't Enzo. I promise, only one drink okay?" "Only one." Elijah growls, his arms tightening around me.

I started to savor this moment before they'd let go of me. I wanted to be in between these two sexy gods forever, If I had the chance to I'd marry them right here right now. "Only one.. baby." I mutter as we pull apart.

Elijah smirks, with his hands traveling down my lower back to my cheeks squeezing them gently. I moan faintly, gazing up into his eyes that tell a huge story. I can't wait to read that story too, especially when we're fucking for the first time.

"What was that princess?" "N-Nothing." "Sure baby.. whatever you say." Enzo chuckles again. I quickly B-line to my room and slip on my leather jacket, which I bought just for this night.

"That looks good on you," Enzo says. "It looks good on me? Or do I look good in it?" I smile, scooping my phone up in my palm striding past Enzo who was being nosey, probably wanting to see me strip for him, and only him.

I wonder if I'll ever get them alone.. only one of us at a time. I doubt it though, they do everything together after all. I'm fine with that, I just want to have some alone time with each of them sometimes if we do pursue what we have together.

I know they can see the glimmer of love for them in my eyes, Hell. I can see love and passion in theirs! If they don't want me... then I'm terrible at reading facial expressions then. A couple of minutes later Courtney is dragging me to the car, I laugh running after her, climbing inside the tiny car.

About thirty minutes later, we arrive at the Nightclub. It's packed with nothing but women in slutty tiny skimpy dresses and men who are looking to get either laid or drunk as fuck not wanting to remember tonight one bit. A bit later I find me and Courtney in a VIP lounge, all she did was seduce the bouncers and we got here! Seriously, how in the world does she do this shit!

"Hey, have a drink! I promise it won't get you drunk." Courtney giggles, somehow already tipsy handing me a glass cup full of light brown clear liquid. I cringe as I take a sniff of what it smells like. "No thanks."

"Babe, seriously! It isn't that bad. Just take a sip or two!" She yells over the loud music, a smirk coating her bright red lips. I sigh, giving in. "Fine! Only one sip Courtney!" I groan, taking a large sip. "Ewww!" I cough as I swallow it, god damn it was strong!

"What the hell was that!?" "Bourbon, baby, bourbon." She laughs sitting next to me instantly as I shivered. "Are you okay?? What's wrong?" "I .." My words start to slur. "Here, take another drink, it'll help I promise." She says bringing the cup back up to my swollen lips forcing me to take another big gulp.

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