14 - Crazy! (Day/Night 4) ⭐

Start from the beginning

"That's just gross," January stated. "Tell me about it. I hope there isn't any in our room," Sam said in discomfort. "Same because that's just creepy. Isn't that illegal like can't we press charges or something,'' Roxana asked. "You can if we can find out who did it," I told them. "So can we all go out and eat," Sam asked. "Why not. It'll take some time but some of you will have to change out of the training suits," James told them. "I am not going back in there," Roxana said in discomfort. Lilly snapped her fingers and those who needed to be changed were in different clothes. "Sweet, let's go because I'm starved," Tuma told us. "Anyone wanna go bowling to kill some time," I asked. 

"Oh the arcade they have a bowling alley. James can I invite Mike please," Sam pleaded. "Fine but make it quick," James told her. He gives her his phone and Sam calls Mike and gives him the heads up before giving the phone back to James. "Who's paying," Tuma asked. Lilly teleports her small backpack to her. "Everyone has their own allowance so use your own money," Lilly stated. She gives everyone their wallets and we head to a van and leave to the arcade. We get some food while we're there and Lilly refuses to leave mine or Maddie's side.

 "He's flipping out pissed about the camera's being found. I can feel it," Lilly mumbled. She leans into Maddie and I, we both wrap an arm around her. "Good. Nobody messes with our kid, he's just lucky he's needed alive," Maddie said softly. Lilly slightly giggles and reaches for her food while the others have already eaten and are now playing games. They're taking turns trying to beat James at a basketball game. Once she finishes her food we let her go play whatever games she wants. We're close by and I watch her win a claw machine and win a huge stuffed animal. She squeals out in excitement. "No no no absolutely not," I stated. She gives me adorable puppy eyes and I cave in. "Fine but you are not sleeping with it," I told her. "It won't fit on the bed. Plus I got this cute toothless squish mellow," Lilly said softly. I shake my head in amusement. 

"Let's put them in the van," I told her. We take them to the van and come back where she continues to win prizes. "Lilly I want the bramble bone sweater," Sam called out. Lilly swings the claw just in time for it to go down and close with it latching on the sweater and some headphones. They drop in the hole and Lilly takes them out. "How are you so good at this," Sam asked. Lilly hands both prizes to Sam and picks up her other wins. I took a few to hold. "When Roxana's family first took me in many years ago they gave me a big allowance. Out of guilt because they felt sorry that I lost my parents. So I would spend a lot of time in arcades and learned how to win a prize almost every time," Lilly said softly. "Think you can give me a few tips," Sam asked. "Why not," Lilly replied. Sam and her hung out for a while which shocked me. Considering Sam hates Lilly but maybe she's finally getting over it. 

Sam goes her separate way and Lilly spends most of the time winning prizes before finding the ice cream. "Only 2 scoops," I said softly. Lilly got 2 scoops of ice cream and sat down enjoying her food. She happily ate her ice cream and we all played a few rounds of bowling. Then the second borns just followed Lilly and had her help them win prizes. After another hour here we all went back. "Found a bunch in different dorms. Boys and girls dorm were clear with just a camera in the kids room and another in her bathroom. All cameras have been taken down. Searched the place from top to bottom and got all 24 cameras," Jack told me. Jack is an agent in the society I know him but we aren't friends. "Thanks Jack, tell the wife I said hi and wish her a good recovery," I said softly. "Wait, she had the baby," Maddie asked. "Yeah healthy baby girl 5lb 2oz," Jack told her. 

"Awe well congrats on being a dad," Maddie said softly. "See you around," Jack told us and left. "No mind control on any of them," Lilly mumbled. Lilly and I changed our rooms. We went to a double but one with a queen size bed and the other bed just being a regular twin size. We move all of our things in here and get settled, still being by James's room in case we need him. "What spell are you looking at," Maddie asked Lilly. "I'm gonna do a mind protection spell on everyone here so nobody can be mind controlled," Lilly told her. "That's a good idea," I told her. Lilly does the spell before taking it easy and laying on her bed. "Lilly from now on I'm going to be much more strict about being separated from any of us," I told her. Lilly teleports in my bed and cuddles with Maddie who only laughed and kissed her forehead.

 "Child that doesn't mean you can steal my lady," I teased her. "Sharing is caring," Lilly said softly. The three of us laugh. "In your dreams kid. You know you did really well today. You kept yourself in control with little loss despite the situation. I'm proud of you," I said softly. "I was still scared," Lilly said softly. "It's okay to be scared but it's not okay to let that fear control you," I told her. Lilly nods. "Well I'm going to get ready for bed. It's been a long exhausting day and I'm tired," Lilly said softly. "You and I are both girlie," Maddie told her. Lilly goes to the bathroom and changes into pajamas and brushes her teeth before getting in bed. Maddie and I do our nightly routine before tucking Lilly in bed. "Goodnight sweetie," Maddie said softly. "Night," Lilly said softly. "Goodnight Lillipad," I said softly. "Night Felix," Lilly said softly. I turn off her light. 

Me and Maddie get in our bed and turn off our lights. I wrapped my arm around Maddie's waist and we cuddled while listening to Lilly's even breathing, just glad that she's physically okay. Mentally not so much but we can help her get through it. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice because I can see that she's forgiven me but hasn't said it. I can see that our relationship is a lot stronger than before. She's much more comfortable around me and loves Maddie around so that's a plus. Considering the fact that she'll be our kid if the adoption goes through. If not then she'll be 18 soon and she can decide on her own. After some time both Maddie and I fell asleep but were awakened by Lilly's crying. 

She had woken up from a nightmare and didn't mean to wake us. Maddie's natural instincts kicked in and joined Lilly in her bed. I sat on Lilly's bed and gently rubbed Lilly's back which soothed Lilly as Maddie held her. Both Maddie and I were able to calm Lilly down and get her to fall back asleep. "She deals with this a lot," Maddie asked me. She easily slides out of Lilly's arms and covers Lilly up. Me and Maddie get back in our own bed. "Yeah and it's sad to watch but all we can do is be there for her when she needs us," I told her. "I know but I wish we could do more," Maddie told me. With that me and Maddie both fall back asleep. This time being able to stay asleep the entire night without interruptions. 

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