Apologies and Wolf Bites

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We’re all sitting in the library. Everyone is looking at me, clearly unsure of what question to ask me first. I look at Hope and I see a soft blue glow around her. I tilt my head to the side slightly with a questioning look on my face. She looks down and everyone else follows my gaze.

“What’s wrong?” Hayley asks. 

“Nothing, I don’t think. I just looked at Hope and I can see a soft blue glow around her. It's not anything I recognize so I’m curious.” I respond slightly confused. 

“Hope… took the Hollow out of everyone and put it inside of her. It's affecting her and we’re trying to find a way to get it out before it kills her.” Freya speaks up. I smile at this. I may hate my sister but she is still just that. My sister. I can kill the Hollow with my recent...evolvements. If anyone else tried it, they would die.

“Why the hell are you smiling? Your sister could DIE! And you're smiling?” Rebekah yells at me. I turn to her, still smiling. I then stand up and walk over to Hope. I place my index and middle fingers on her temples. I can feel my eyes start to change so I close them. I focus on sending all of my energy through Hope without hurting her and into the Hollow. I can feel the Hollow weakening, she’s dying. I keep going until I feel the Hollow completely gone. I remove my hands from Hopes head and keep my eyes closed for a second to make sure they go back to normal. Once I feel them shift back, I open them and look at Hope. The blue is now replaced with the color of a tribrid. A color I’ve only seen on myself, when I look in the mirror. Purple. She's herself again. Hope looks at me relieved.

“She’s gone. The Hollow is dead. Emma killed her. Thank you! ” She smiles and hugs me. I awkwardly hug her back for a couple seconds and pull away. 

“You’re welcome. Now, let me give you guys a tour.” I say. They stand up and we begin walking around and talking.

“How did you do that?” Klaus asked me amused.

“We’ll get to that later,” I responded, “until then, I know you have questions, so ask away.” 

“Why did you leave?” Hayley asked first. I took a second to think about my answer. I was trying to find the best way to explain it where they would actually understand.

“I couldn’t handle being there anymore. The way I was being treated wasn’t right and I was completely over it. So I left.” I say.

“You could have come to us. You could have told us, Emma. You didn’t have to leave.” Elijah speaks up. I see Kol roll his eyes. He’s about to start yelling at his noble jackass of a brother but I cut him off before he starts speaking.

“ I tried that. I tried going to you and you sent me off without even asking me what's wrong. I went to Rebekah and she didn’t even let me speak before telling me to go away. Freya ignored the fact that I was even saying anything to her. Hayley told me to stop being so selfish and dramatic. Klaus told me to stop thinking I’m more important than my sister and to quit being a brat. Hope told me that I was just jealous and that it doesn’t matter. Going to you did nothing. None of you paid attention to me except for Kol. I’m not trying to be selfish or anything but I just wanted to be loved. I felt like none of you wanted me there. I felt like you didn’t care for me. I couldn't do anything without disappointing someone in the house. That’s why I left. And it was the best choice I’ve ever made.” I say. Hayley looks down and so does Elijah. 

“Next question.” I say and wait for a response.

“How did you kill the Hollow?” Klaus asks.

“You’re gonna keep asking until I answer aren’t you?” I ask and they all nod. I roll my eyes and begin the story.

“ It was 2 year ago. Dad and Sam were out on a hunt and they were gonna be gone for 2 weeks. Jack was with Cas, and I was home alone. There were demons and angels looking for Jack so they came here. They didn’t find him and I wasn’t gonna tell them where he was, so they kidnapped me instead. They thought that by kidnapping me, they would be able to find him. They tortured me, expiramented on me, tried to break me. They kept an IV with vervain, wolfsbane, and witch hazel flowing into my system 24/7 to keep me weak. They injected me with demon blood first to see how I would react to it. Then when they saw I didn’t die from it, they put angel blood and grace in my system. That was where they made their mistake. The angelic grace mixed with the demon blood in my system turned me into a hybrid. An angel - demon hybrid. I wanted out so I did what any sane person would do. I drained and killed everyone in there. Ripper style. I was there for 2 months. Everyone looked for me but they couldn’t find me. They didn’t stop looking though. They were looking when I got out and came back home. Now, I'm the most powerful creature on the planet. I’m part angel, part demon, part werewolf, and part vampire. My demon and angel side over power everything else. I ended up dying again, which completed my other transformation but I basically lost my witch side. That's how I could kill the Hollow. I'm partially a celestial being and celestial magic is stronger than the Hollows spirit ” I say to them. They are all looking at me amazed.

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