Really? Again?

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We were sitting in our living room talking about Emma.

"I think she should come home" Elijah says and the rest of my siblings agree.

"I don't think so. I mean, unless she wants to. She has a whole life here. She has people that love her and care for her when we didnt. It should be her choice." Hope says, defending her sister.

"She doesnt get a choice, Hope. She's my daughter, just like you. I'm her mother and...." Hayley was saying something until I heard Emma in my head and tuned everyone out.

E- Klaus, help! Please

I sat up and my heart started racing. Anything could be happening to my little girl and I'm not there to protect her.

K- Emma, sweetheart. What's wrong, where are you

E- I'm at the bunker. I need help. I can't breath. They put o-

Silence. She must have passed out. I can feel everyone staring at me and I hear Rebekah call my name. I glance up for a second before vamping out. I know the family is following me but I dont care. I just have to get to my daughter.

I finally reach the bunker and burst through the door.

"EMMA!" I call running down the stairs. The whole place is completely trashed and a note is on the map table.


We have your precious Emma. If you want her back, I suggest you cooperate. We've stated our offer, now decide.


I crunch up the letter and threw it.

"Freya, someone took my daughter. Can you do a locater spell?" I ask, turning to her.

"Yeah. Yeah of course, I just need some of your blood." She says.

I grab a random bowl and put some blood in it. I hand it to her and wait for to work her magic.

"Somethings blocking me. I cant find her. I think shes cloaked." She says, sighing. I was about to go on a whole rampage but then I had an idea.

Mate bond. It's basically a built in tracking device. I'm about to walk out of the compound when a searing pain shoots through my body and I drop to the floor screaming.

"Nik!" Rebekah is by my side.

"Its Emma" I groan.

I woke up to a blade being shoved in my stomach. Its coated in the one thing that can truly harm or kill me. I can feel it.

"Hello Emma", a british voice says. A man in a black suit steps out. He has short black hair and a gun in his hand. Then a woman steps out next to him.

"My name is Arthur Ketch. I'm from the British Men of Letters. Do you know why you're here?" The man speaks again.

"Let me guess, your play thing isn't giving it up so you want another one? Sorry, I'm underage. " I say with sarcasm. I try to lift my hands but they're chained down.

"Kinky, but I'm not really into older men." I say, struggling against the chains. I really need to get out of here. The man rolls his eyes and stabs a needle in my neck. Stupid weakness.

" You're here as incentive. Once Sam and Dean come home and realize we have you, they'll accept or offer of working for us to get you back." He says. I look at him to make sure he's serious and start laughing. Hard.

"And what could possibly be so funny?" The lady says.

"Can I at least have some entertainment and food because I'm gonna be here for a while. Oh, and a bed would be nice. While you're at it, could you set up a place for me to run around? I like to stretch my legs sometimes. And yes, I'll wipe my paws before coming inside." I say laughing.

They both look confused as I smirk.

" Oh if only you knew." I start, "You see, Sam and Dean are on a case and they wont be home for a few weeks. They just left like three days ago. So I'll be here for a while. At least until they come." I finish.

"They? Whose they?" The lady says.

I shrug my shoulders and she stabs me with another syringe. I groan and look up.

" Well that's not very nice." I say.

Ketch walks up to me and connects an IV to my arm. A few seconds later I am filled a burning sensation throughout my whole body. It's like I just swallowed acid. Then it all goes black again.


Klaus could feel everything that Emma did. He could feel her pain, her fear, and her anger. He lead the Mikaelsons through the city, feeling the pull of his daughter's presence.
Meanwhile, Emma is being tortured by Toni. (a/n basically Sam's torture when he was kidnapped by her without the sex stuff and it's in a different location)
Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelsons get to the warehouse where Emma is being kept and barge in. The british Men of Letters, as prepared as they are, were not prepared for the Original family. They came in snapping necks, feeding, ripping hearts out, and ripping heads off. It was a bloodbath.

Emma was unconscious and weak. Klaus, who could also feel his child's weakness is moving purely on emotion and adrenaline. Every member of the Men of Letters in the warehouse was dead minus Ketch and Toni. Klaus shifted back and camped over to his daughter. Freya knocked out the two standing torturers with a sleeping spell as Klaus unchained an unconscious Emma.

With Emma in Klaus's arms, the Mikaelsons speed home.

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