05. (Not so) Sweet Sixteen (Juli)

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Yawning, I stretched myself and scratched my head thoughtfully.

What is today? I thought stupidly. Oh! My Sweet Sixteen!

I jumped out of bed and pulled on my best clothes: a sleeveless black dress up to my knees and grey shoes, all the while thinking about how great my birthday was going to be... not realizing it would change my life forever.

"Mom! It's my Sweet Sixteen!" I yelled, excited.

"Your what?" she questioned, puzzled.

I rolled my eyes at her. "My sixteenth birthday."

"Oh! Happy birthday, my dear!" she exclaimed, a half-hearted smile replacing the puzzled look. She ran up to hug me. "Erin, come here right now and wish your sister a happy birthday!"

"Coming!" Erin called back.

She must be on Facebook, I thought, sitting at the table. Maybe as a birthday prank I would write 'Happy birthday to my awesome sister, Marie Angelus!' Although I knew she would hate me for the rest of my life.

"Happy birthday, sis," my sister said, coming up to me and giving me a hug.

"Thanks, Erin. But I know you don't mean it!" I added quietly when my mom had turned away.

Erin stuck her tongue out at me, and I responded with a kick to her knee. That sent her reeling backward right into my dad, who was just coming into the kitchen, and making them both fall against my mom. All of them barreled into the wall. A defeaning crash filled my ears, and I shoved a handful of cereal in my mouth to keep from bursting into laughter.

"Wow, Erin, you really need to learn not to stick your tongue out at me," I said innocently.

But it seemed like she didn't hear me, because she stuck her tongue out at me again. I just laughed I response.

"Marie!" I flinched involuntarily. My dad sounded very angry.

"Apologize to your sister and to your mother!"

"I'm sorry, but I think you should also apologize to me, for not greeting me appropriately. I think I forgot to tell you that, um, well, I think it might be my birthday today?" I couldn't help but giggle at my sarcasm. It's one of my virtues.

"Happy birthday," he muttered, clearly not meaning it.

I finished my cereal and went outside to see if someone else would remember it was my birthday. It was Saturday, so I didn't have to go to school.

"I hope you have a NOT-happy birthday, Gothie!" yelled Daniel, one of the meanest boys at school.

"Maybe she'll sprout black wings today, huh?"

My face burned at that comment, and I almost rushed up to Katy and murdered her right then and there. I wished that my dad had been there with me to hear her and take her to court. Ever since the Dark One had sprouted black wings on his sixteenth birthday and been kicked out of Heaven, all the light angels had dreaded the coming of another Dark One.

"Shut up, Katy!" She flipped her blonde hair in response and walked away.

Gosh, why does everyone have to be so mean around here? I thought to myself.

"Look, there's Gothie. Don't forget to wish her a not-happy birthday!" yelled someone.

"Heard that one!" I shouted back.

People did remember my birthday, but not in the way I wanted.

"Happy birthday, Marie." I turned jumped and turned around. Jesus stood there with an enormous box under his arm.

"Thanks. At least there is one person in Heaven that wishes me a real happy birthday," I said, happy that Jesus had come.

"This is for you," He said, handing me the box.

I took it, surprised that I had gotten a present. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome."

I opened it eagerly, and I gasped when I saw what was inside: a snowy owl, fast asleep, stood on a stick.

"W-wow!" I exclaimed. "Thank you, Jesus. Y-you didn't have to do this for me, you know?"

"I know. But I heard you needed some company, and Kim isn't much company, isn't she?" He said, referring to my dog.

"Thank you so much again, Jesus! It's the best birthday ever. And I will also get my wings today!"

I thought I saw a flicker of worry in Jesus's eyes, but it was gone a split second later.

"You're coming to my party, right?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, Marie! What made you think I wouldn't?"

"I don't know," I said blushing.

"Come on, let's go to your house and I'll help you prepare everything. Okay?"

"Okay, thank you," I said. Jesus put his arm on my shoulders and I shuddered involuntarily.

What happened right there, Marie? It's just Jesus.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so." But I wasn't so sure.

We started walking toward my house, but I kept thinking about that shudder. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown on me.

"What do you have planned for today?"

"Well," I said, trying to forget about the shudder, "we are not going to have cotton candy, because you know I hate it. We are going to have some cakes I made, and also drinks. It's going to be the best Sweet Sixteen party ever!" I was getting really excited about my party. A little too excited.

"Well, then let's start preparing everything!"

An hour later we had everything ready, and people were already starting to arrive. Most of them my family members, but I knew the kids at school would come soon. A Sweet Sixteen party in Heaven was a very important event, even if you didn't like the person who's birthday it was.

"Hi, grandma!" I called out to Rose, my favorite grandma. She always understood me.

Finally, the time came for the party to start. Everyone, and I mean everyone I had invited was here, which surprised me a lot. I thought no one would come. It never occurred to me that maybe they were here to see me humiliated.

"Okay, everyone! Listen! Let the party start!" Jesus said.

I was glad to wasn't me who had to give that short speech. I didn't think anyone would listen. But with Jesus everything was different. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened as if their life depended on it.

Six hours later, I was sweating and ready for the party to end. And it did.

"Okay everyone, the time has come!" Jesus yelled over the noise of the crowd. "At seven thirty I want everyone around The Circle."

Then he motioned for me to come over.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Never readier (is that a word?)," I answered, although I was a bit nervous.

Jesus followed me to The Circle and winked as I stood at its center and waited.

A few minutes before sunset, everyone had gathered around The Circle.

I couldn't stop smiling. The time had come. The time when I would get my wings.

The sun was setting. The edges if The Circle started glowing with a bright white light. My heart started beating at a thousand miles per second. Everyone stared at me. Suddenly, I was illuminated by a very bright light, and I had to close my eyes. I felt something in my back, and at once it knew that it had happened. But I couldn't see them! I wanted the light to dim so I could get at least a glimpse!

"Ah!" Someone screamed, and I opened my eyes.

The light had vanished. But everyone was staring at me with open mouths. Even Jesus. I stopped grinning and looked behind me. Then I gasped too. My wings were there all right. But they were black.

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