Copyright and Explanation

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Okay, so I don't have the fancy-smanshy COPYRIGHT ©® here, all I know that plagiarism is really bad and that I do NOT tolerate people that copy other people's work. Imagination is limitless, I'm sure a person's mind can come up with an awesome book without taking some body's ideas. Okay? Okay. (hehe) Please do not steal JulielleTheAwesome's story ideas.

Okay, I'm pretty sure it went something like this:

All resemblance to living or dead people on earth in this book is coincidental.

Al right, my version of it. A little street(y).

*captains voice* EXPLANATION, HUP! (isn't that the sound they always make before saluting someone?)

So, JulielleTheAwesome consists of, not one, TWO people. *faints* Julielle is the combination of our names!  Julieta and Michelle. This is Michelle talking.


So, I wanted to explain to you that we do not know how to write this book yet with the both of us, but I DO know that there probably will be two different types of writing. If you see two different types of writing, *whispers* Don't worry, its not a hacker and I suck with computers. Dunno about Juli though :)

Well, after my awesomeness, I grant you well-wishes through this book.

*huddles in corner and whispers* I like cliff hangers and plot twists. *suddenly sprouts wings and flies* I'LL BE BE BACH!!!!

Bystander- O__________O

(I spelled back like that on purpose)

*looks back on last sentence* Geez, explanations do ruin the feels.

°°°Two Days Later°°°

Bystander- O__________O


~The cookie monster

Juli's version:

Ok, this is Juli speaking. Ahem, everyone listen to your captain.

*someone in the back whispers*

Hey! I heard that! Michelle, please come to the front.

Ok, enough with the melodramatism. (I know that word doesn't exist.)

Yeah, just what Michelle said before, don't copy because if you do, I'll come after you! Be careful what you put for your location. I'll be watching. 0________0 And yeah, that's my face.


Ok, that's all. Once again,

All the characters in this book are fictional and come from the authors' imagination. Any coincidences with people in the real world or from other books are that - coincidences.

Thank you, people. That's all I've got to say.

Toodles. Ok, I don't know how to say it or if it's wrong, I'm sorry if it's wrong.



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