07. Excussus (Michelle)

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07. Excussus (Michelle)

Everything blurred inmediately when I saw my new wings. I had so much hope that my hair had been a weird genetic thing gone wrong. I thought I would have been happy to see wings on my back.
But I wanted white ones, not black ones. No, not at all.

Everybody started screaming and backing away, but that wasn't the thing that bothered me. I looked up and my eyes met with Jesus'. The same shudder from before racked through my body, only stronger. I should have seen it coming, because I was so close to Jesus, my inner...devil had started to rise. Good and evil don't mix, the shudder was saying. Get away from him.

But like the stupid person I was, I hadn't realized it until now. Jesus' eyes held a small glint, a knowing glint. I collapsed to the floor seconds after as the circle disappeared around me. Jesus knew all along...and he didn't bother to tell me.

Tears streamed down my face, but as soon as they came, they shriveled up on my face. Don't show weakness! A voice inside of me awoke. I tired to cry, but something wasn't letting me. Then I knew; it was my inner devil. Of course it was! I read about it in books, The Dark One had it too before he was banished.


I didn't want to be banished to the human world. Looking at it from a distance was one thing, living in it was another. Jesus told me about all the sins going on in that world, but he loved them anyway. Why couldn't he accept me, then? He could accept a bunch of sinners with a heart filled with joy and pride, but he couldn't accept one of his own angels with unfortunate black wings?

I curled up in a fatal position. I didn't have much time left, when The Circle's lines disappeared completely, the guards would be able to rush in. The Circle was very sacred, no one could enter during a ceremony until it was gone.

A few seconds left. The voice whispered, but all I wanted to do was punch it. Don't fight me...

I put my hands over my ears to block the voice out, but it was inside of my head. It kept repeating, Don't fight me...don't fight me...don't fight me...

When I looked back up, Jesus was standing near the edge of the circle with sorrowful eyes. "Help me," I whispered, but he didn't move. I knew it, he was about to go to God, to talk over the banishment.

Suddenly, my father appeared out of thin air next to my only friend. His eyes widened when he saw me crumpled in a ball inside the circle, not to mention with my newly aquired black wings.

He turned to Jesus with a--not an angered or sorry expression--but a smug one. I blanched when I saw the face. I'd thought he cared just a little more.

"Look at her!" My father pointed at me and I flinched. "That, that thing. She's dangerous! Banish her this instant!"

Jesus' expression angered slightly and he grabbed my Father's arm tightly. "Remember I have power over you, Mikkolo. I'll do what I think fit."

"And banishing her is fit for this kind of situation, is it not, Jesus?"

I curled up in a tighter ball as I could hear the chaos outside. The only people left were Jesus and my Dad, but people were screaming about my wings beyond, telling everyone a 'dark one' had arrived and they had to fight....

Don't fight me. There, that stupid voice was back. That stupid, stupid voice.

"Don't fight me." I could hear Jesus answer, but the voices faded as I slipped into darkness. n


I was chained. I could feel the heavy weight of metal on my arms and legs before I even opened my eyes. Why the heck did they have to chain me? Oh yeah, yeah, black wings, woop-di-doo. It wasn't like I was a danger. I could barely open my new cokes.

I opened my eyes at last. I was certain they already knew I was awake, but I really did not want to face them. I didn't want to face my Dad, actually. He was my biggest fear. What would his face look like? Anger, definitely not sorrow, smugness like before?

It turned out, his face was as blank as the rest of them.

You know, if I hadn't been in the position I was in, I would have actually had my mouth open in wonder at what was happening in front of me. All the first judges were lined up in front of me. Gabriel, Malintena, Gregi, my father Mikkolo, all the first angels. They hadn't appeared together since the Dark One had sprouted black wings and white angels had followed him into hell.

People thought this wouldn't happen ever again, that if it did it would be a sight to behold if it did. Gee, everyone should be liking me by now.

And of course, I wasn't sure sarcasm was going to get me out of this one.

I first looked at Gabriel, the one that would blow the trumpet when God rose up all Christians to heaven. His face was blank, too. He was looking at me with shrewd eyes, but it comforted me a little that I could see a little sorrow in them. He felt bad. He felt bad that he had to drop the flag that sealed the deal.


I then looked at my father again, blank eyes, blank everything. Not much to see really. I then turned to the very center of the room, where God sat. His wasn't blank, his eyes said it all. He didn't want to do it. But he knew he had too. Jesus' face and eyes portrayed the same thing. At least that gave me a little comfort.

"You are here because you have sprouted black wings." Mikkolo (I really don't want to call him Dad right now) said.

"No s-"

"Silence." He boomed. "You're verdict was decided while you were asleep. You will be banished to the human world for the rest of your life."

"Gee, thanks Dad."

He didn't answer, he turned to Jesus. "You may set him."

My blood ran cold. Him? That only ment one thing. Before I could do or say anything, the chains clanked and then fell to the floor, charred.

Gabriel grabbed a maroon flag relutctatly and dropped it.

And Jesus, even more reluctantly, grabbed a key and walked to the side of the room, where a big, brass huge door stood. It hadn't been opened....well, I'm assuming you know by now.

He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. Darkness was all I could see until the most disgusting, ferocious animal bounded out of the door, teeth bared.

And before anyone knew what was happening, I was running out the door, the Heaven Hound bounding after me.

My Dark AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora