Black and White Birthdays

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No Pandas Included

It was a sin baby bones grew so slowly, as even at a year old they couldn't have solids on there birthday. That didn't mean Error wasn't enjoying the cake for the adults, Dream and Nightmare were still on a liquid magic diet.

Reaper was not telling them where he had gotten the double chocolate cake, it was pure bliss to eat.

It was like eating sin.

The twins had yet to say a word, but that was normal due to there growth rate apparently.

Sci had given her more parental books, and they explained that at twelve months to three years old they should start baby talk.

Error couldn't wait.

She eyed the rather big pile of gifts, at least four of them from Vita so probably clothing that were animal themed she's made. The Goddess of Life had a lot of free time, as she let few visit her in her seclusion.

"Hey, Error..." Blue said poking is head in from the kitchen.

"What is it Blue?" Error asked curious, he was glad Blue had made it as he was making sure Ink was sidetracked mostly.

"You know Nightmares, doom and gloom boys?" Blue asked.

"Yes," Error said, he felt a bit guilty as he'd not told them what had happened to Nightmare. As little Nightmare was very very young, and very fragile compared to his once adult self.

"I brought Cross here, he's gotten very depressed. I didn't realize just how dependent he'd been on Nightmare..." Blue said eye lights dulling a bit.

Error paused, looking to the twins who were playing with there toys.

Nightmare had always looked after them, almost parental under his gruff personality.

"Bring him in, we can slowly introduce him to the others over time," Error said, Blue beamed a smile.

Moments later came the sound of talking, Error sighed sharing a look with Reaper who'd been taking non stop pictures the whole time. Vita and Grim shifted seats, so there was a free seat by Error.

"I don't know whats so important you brought me to Reapers place," came Cross's voice, the voice that had no happiness in it.

"Its someones birthday today," Blue responded.

"Nobody I know," Cross huffed, moments later he entered the room with Cross.

"Yo," Reaper said with a grin, looking up from talking pictures.

"Er.. hi," Cross said bewildered, then his eyes landed on Error.

For a few moments he just stared, then he gaped.

"Error!" he gasped out, only recognizing the female by there magic.

"Come on over, and say happy Birthday," Error said, Reaper moved away a bit.

Cross froze.

His eye lights taking in the twins.

He knew that magic.

He knew those eye lights, from a brief goopless moment.

"Sempai...?" Cross said voice shaking, so shaking he numbly sat down on the floor.

Little Nightmare blinked at the strange monster, it wasn't mama or Reaper, or even Auntie Life or Uncle Grim.

But he knew him.

But he didn't understand.

He crawled over and sat down in front of them.

"Ba ba ba!" Nightmare babbled raising there arms.

"Pick him up, he wants to be held," Error gently said, Shakily Cross gently picked up the too tiny Nghtmare and held him to his chest,

"Ha.. happy Birthday Boss," Cross cried out happily.

After all Nightmare was alive, just different.

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