Sharing is Caring... But don't take my toy

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No Really... That's your toy this is mine

"No Dream," Error told the five month old, Dream screamed flinging a plushy away golden eye lights gleaming with angry tears.

Nightmare sniffled in Reapers arms, skull against his chest listing to his soul beat.

"What set this off," Reaper said wryly, gently rocking the upset Guardian.

"Dream decided he liked Nightmares chicken plushy, and didn't want his bunny anymore," Error said over the screaming.

"Geeze, with how tightly controlled Dream was as an adult, you wouldn't think he could be such a brat," Reaper said, he picked up the chicken plushy Dream had thrown and gently passed it to Nightmare.

"There children, and twins. Why did they have to enter the want stage this early," Error sighed.

"Grim and I never did type of thing," Reaper finally said, Error turned and gave him a dry look.

"Reaper, you and Grim came into existence as adults," she reminded him.

"Huh... right, kind of forgot that," Reaper grinned.

"Idiot," Error responded with a snort.

Reaper wondered why he suddenly had a deja vu feeling from those words.


Ink colored.

Coloring was fun.

There was only coloring.

He was sure he was forgetting something.

Meh... Blue would tell him if he forgot something.


"Both of them are growing very Healthy and at a normal rate," Sci said looking over the twins.

Nightmare and Dream, who were used to Sci's visit looked bored from Error's arms.

"That's good, but have you figured out if I'll be able to return to my old body. I don't mind this body now, but I do miss a male body," Error asked. "Or rather my genderless glitchy body."

Skeletons didn't really have gender without ecto bodies on them, and they could take both.

"I'm thinking probably once the twins are three, as the twins will be less dependent on your magic. But you'd still have to take this form a lot, as they will still need it," Sci said thoughtfully.

"That's just over two and a half years, I can deal with it as long as Blue can keep Ink busy," Error said thoughtfully.

Right.. Ink could behave that long right?


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