I cry you cry

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"Shh... its okay Nighty"

Piercing cries filled the air as the babybones cried, glimmering tears in Nightmare's eyes.

"Mama's here, no reason to be upset" Error said gently rocking her more sensitive child, finally his cries quieted only small sobs and a hiccup filling the air. His tiny hand clung to her nighty tightly, purple eyes looked up at her sadly.

"There we go," she said rubbing his back soothingly, grabbing a clan cloth she cleaned his face.

Hearing a noise she shifted her head, Reaper was looking in Dream in his arms who he'd clearly finally got to sleep.

"Any idea what set them off?" Reaper asked softly, he nuzzled Dream who leaned closer to there father figure in there sleep.

"A memory likely, there in sync to each other so they likely dreamed it together," Error said, she walked over and placed Nightmare in his crib. She tucked him in, and made sure his chicken plush was in grabbing range.

"I was hoping no memories would appear till they we're much older" Reaper scowled, he settled Dream in there crib. He closed the window, while there was no wind there was a chill in the air.

"I was never that lucky" Error said, she peered at the painting on the wall.

Grim had given it, it was adorable... but it contained an apple tree.

"Lets move this... it might had helped trigger it" she scowled, pulling the framed picture from the wall.

"Let them sleep, worry about the painting in the morning" Reaper said taking the painting from her, he placed it on the twins dresser.

"Your right," she said exhausted.

"Come on mama Error, go back to bed" Reaper said ushering her out of the bedroom.

Hours passed, then the window slid open quietly.

A figure crept across the room to the two cribs, a face always crying corruption grinned at the tiny sleeping Nightmare. A less then happy face, was revealed when looking at Dreams crib.

They froze, as something could and sharp stopped just bare of touching there neck.

"Back away from my kids cribs Killer" Reaper scowled.

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