Broken People

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Another day another chappy, glad your all still enjoying this

When Reaper was called to be a feeder, there was quiet a lot of disbelief.

His touch killed, his magic was like poison to all but a few beings.

Yet... there was so few that would ask this favour of him, as Death was neutral.

No matter how much Ink tried to have him join there battles.

But it also hurt, as he had not thought of being a feeder in Eons.

Not since before his darling Geno went missing.


It still hurt to think of his long missing mate, it was only because he was Death that he knew the other was alive.

He wondered what there children would have been like? A glitch like Geno, a death god like himself.. something new?

Yet, unless some miracle happened he would never know.

"Yo Sci, you said you had someone immune to my power that needs a feeder asap," Reaper said as he entered Scis office, a beautiful pregnant skeleton in the ecto stage looked up in shock.

"Reaper!" the female skeleton said, a shocking glitchy voice.

"Error!" Reaper said just as shocked, the body was unfamiliar but Reaper knew that type f glitched voice anywhere... even if was female now.

Then his mind froze, a female pregnant Error.

"Sci," Error hissed, voice not glitchy this time "Why is Reaper here?"

"He's neutral, and your immune to his touch and magic," Sci said quickly.

"Wait... you want me to be a feeder for the destroyer?" Reaper said eye lights large.

"Yes, its very important," Sci said nodding.

"What happened, had a one night stand with Ink?" Reaper asked Error.

Okay... So he totally deserved the punch that followed that question.


Once... Reaper recovered from the punch, Sci quickly began to explain the true situation.

"Woah, Ink totally screwed up and took out two of the balances," Reaper said whistling, eyeing the growing pregnancy.

"Thankfully he hasn't been creating since then, but its only time. Sci thinks there growth rate will be normal once born," Error said rubbing her belly.

"May I?" Reaper asked waving a hand towards the belly.

"Go ahead, if your going to be the feeder is this messed up pregnancy your going to have to touch me anyway," Error said gritting her teeth, Reaper did know the Destroyer hated being touched.

Gently the death god placed a hand on the growing belly, Error blinked at the strange feeling of the others magic pressing against his shirt and ecto skin below it.

"Woah.... your definitely the mama," Reaper said, Error snorted.

"Right, anyway Error I have a private hospital room nearby we can begin. At this point probably best to just finish the pregnancy there," Sci told her.

"Lead the way," Error said, pulling herself off the chair she'd been sitting in. She wobbled a bit at the now awkward body weight, Reaper steadied her. She tried at him for a moment, but saw none of the hate the so called good sanses had.

Blue didn't count, as he snuck out to hang with the bad sanses all the time.

"Oh..." Error said in shock, a hand going to her belly and pressed it gently against it.

"Whats wrong?" Reaper asked, not saying anything Error grabbed his hands and pressed it in that spot.

Moments later a small pressure was felt, as one of the twins kicked.

Error of course broke down crying, because Pregnancy hormones.

Sci looked at the scene sadly, two broken souls waiting for something precious as a child kicking.

Silently he led them to the private room.

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