Where's Fate?

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So Fate appears.. finally

Fate had only left for a month.

Having gone for a meeting with other deities, they had it once per eon.

A month!

And came back to this.

Her child coloring and not creating.

Her destroyer Female with children.

"Wait, where are the feeling twins"? Fate asked herself, noticing the that two of the balances were missing.


"Why are they babies, and Error there mother?"

What the Funk happened here.

Fate paused and spun around, to just see the end of a certain skateboard vanish.

Just how did they keep getting in here?

Frowning they started looking into things, disbelief soon into feeling as events began to line up.

"Darn it Ink," Fate said facepalming.

Wait... was Error in Reapertale.

"Well... its not like Reaper or Error know Error is Geno," Fate said, and waved as Murphy walked by.

"AW come on!" Fate cried, what was Murphy's law doing here!

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